A late night tweet from me saying “Happiness is yours when you learn to manage your expectations from/of others and make it a preference instead of a need” brought on a flurry of retweets and replies from people. As it turns out, I’m not alone when it comes to expecting things and being disappointed when […]
Detox Your Body, Thoughts and Life
Are You Trying Too Hard?
Your 3 Most Pressing Questions About Inspired Action answered
What Does Inspired Action Look Like? Someone asked this question recently: “What exactly IS Inspired Action and how do I know the action I’m taking is inspired or not? I often hesitate to take action that doesn’t seem to be inspired action to me. So how does it feel to you?” The short answer is: […]
6 Steps to Release Attachment and Manifest Your Desires Faster
On the topic of LOA … you already know how important it is to let go of any sort of neediness, desperation or attachment to manifesting your desires once you’ve set an Intention to attract them. Right? But sometimes as you ALSO probably well know, it’s hard! When you really want that vacation, a raise, […]
How To Manifest $60,000 Savings in 2 years using the Law of Attraction – If I Can Do It, So Can You!
7 Fun Ways to Manage your Vibe!
3 Ways to Manage Confusion & Overwhelm
There are days when everything seems perfect. When life seems to be flowing smoothly.. you get a new client, make a big sale, your boss loves you, people rave about you, your partner is happy and loving, the kids are being angels, and progress is effortless. And then there are the days mired in confusion, […]