What Massage School & Driving Taught Me About The Power of Intention

I can still hear her loud bellowing voice in my ears “BE SPECCCCCCIFIC!!” Every now and then, came another reminder “OUTtention follows INNNNNTENTION!!” Sometimes, I still hear these words in my dreams. She did a good job drilling them into me. The year was 2003 and I was training to be a Massage Therapist. The […]

The Epiphany – Or Why I Don`t Have What I Want

It`s simple. VERY simple. What would you do if you woke up one day and realised that what you wanted all this while, isn’t what you really want after all? Having spent time, money, energy, thought and effort towards realising your goals, what if you realised you’d got it all wrong? It started with an […]

Guest Post: Writing Her Way Through “Someday”..

Gosh I’m excited! During our coaching session yesterday, Giselle, a writer, talked about how she overcame procrastination and seeing as I JUST recently did a teleclass on that, I had to ask if she would share her story. I know it helps many of us to hear real life experiences so without further ado, in […]

Tuesday Tip – Change One Thing Today!

Just for today, do one thing differently. If you wake up in the morning and check your email or facebook right away, how about you eat breakfast first? Or go for a 5 minute walk? Or meditate? If you come home after work and hit the couch, with one hand snuggled around the remote control, […]

On Fear, Beliefs & Action – Along with Tony Robbins & Friends

Why is it that you don’t take action when you need to? If you’re a new entrepreneur/ coach/ student/ career changer/ learner etc, have you bought e-books, attended several workshops, subscribed to over 50 email lists, read blogs and articles every day, have pages and pages of action steps and business building ideas and other […]

I Choose Winnie the Pooh Happy! What Do You Choose?

I am a bear of very little brain, long words bother me. So this post is like me. Short and simple and very very sweet. I woke up this morning with a real conviction – to choose my feelings today. So I chose Happy! What Are You Choosing Today? Add it in the comments section […]

White Slippers Slowing You Down?

I have these pretty, adorable white slippers. I love them! They make me feel summery and girly. Yet, every time I wear them to go out somewhere, I’m nervous. These slippers have terrible grip you see. In the year I’ve owned them, I’ve nearly slipped and fallen about 90% of the time. Crossing roads, at […]

Ready, Fire, Aim – Take That Step Today!

Ready, Fire, Aim. A concept I first heard about from Carrie Wilkerson, the Barefoot Exec in early 2009. The idea behind it? Take action, imperfect action, ANY action, today. Now. Recovering perfectionists like you and me know the drill. We don’t take action unless it’s perfect. There can be nothing left to chance. Especially failure. […]

How To Manifest Almost Anything You Want

How many knocks of a hammer does it take to break a rock? The first few times it seems like nothing is happening. One hard blow after the other and all you can see is a chip here, a tiny crack there. With the 15th blow, the rock shatters. So was it the 15th knock […]