Guest Post” Digging the Now, By Col McGunnigle, Life by Muse “I’m pissed off at my dreamboard!” I remember saying that two years ago. I had this gorgeous creation, with the exact guy and the exact house and the exact scenario all mapped out … and it was just *not* happening. So I would walk by […]
Revolutionary Idea That Will Blow Your Mind!
The UnPost.
Jeez, we’re 3 weeks into 2010!? I’ve been missing at the blog. Got back a week ago but that’s no excuse. Truth is, I’m struggling feeling uninspired to say anything. Everything is the same and yet it’s not. All the changes and wheels I set in motion last year are swirling around my ankles and reaching into […]
When You Don’t Know What Lies Ahead..
Old Stories vs New Stories: How to Bridge the Gap?
What’s Your New Story In The New Year?
When The Destination is Better Than the Journey!
You’ve always heard me talk about how the journey is more important than the destination. Well, I lied. In this impromptu video I made while out on a walk at my holiday destination the other day, I had to eat my words. So I’m amending that to 70% journey, 30% destination. Cos if it isn’t […]
Attracting a mate – Give It Up or Wait It Out?
This is a topic that has been talked about in earlier posts (not necessarily related to relationships though) and was brought to my attention again recently. You see, it’s that time of the year that I’ve been getting quite a few readers asking me about the best way to manifest a relationship (just something about the […]
Pursuing Happiness Is A Trap & YOU’RE in it.
Ever feel like you did something really stupid? Irrational. Something that made no sense at all. Ever then kicked yourself when you did it again? And again. And again? You’re so aware, you really should’ve known better.. Ever made an assumption that turned out to be totally wrong? What about the “good” assumptions – like […]