I’m not sure this blog can take any more hotness. What is it with the successful entrepreneurs and authors featured in the Your Life YOUR Way Interview series all being so damn gorgeous!? They’re smart, enthusiastic and great at what they do, that’s a given. But have you noticed how goodlooking they all are too? […]
YLYW Interview #7: David Garland on Unconventional Entrepreneurship
David Siteman Garland’s story is one of unconventional entrepreneurship. Imagine dreaming up an idea at a coffee shop one day, which leads to you creating a “job” for yourself by marrying together your passion for entrepreneurship with your love for connecting with people? (Sounds like MY dream!) Thanks to that moment of inspiration, we now […]
Flying my Freak Flag High #Reverb10
Community #Reverb10
Permission To Be + I wonder + Letting GO
So ya’ll know I’m doing this thing. Along with 2000 other bloggers, I’m reflecting on 2010 & everything that happened (or didn’t) + being intentional about 2011. The Timing: It’s been a fascinating year. The word I chose to describe it? Illuminate. And about half a dozen more – tumultous, smeary windshield, courage, resistance, butterflying, big leap. I think what […]
YYLYW Interview #6: Jenny Blake puts the M in Multi-Passionate
Jenny Blake. Blogger. Coach. Googler. Author (RunningPress 2011). Football Fanatic. Coffee Addict. Yoga Lover/Teacher. Dessert Fiend. Gadget Freak. Personal Growth Obsessed. That’s her bio on twitter (where we met). Gorgeous, whip smart, talented, inspired, visionary, heart-centered, a ray of sunshine, actioneer, girl-everyone-wants-to-know, full of charm, fellow exclamation mark abuser, EN FEUGO. That’s my take on […]
One Year, One Word #Reverb10
Interrupting the Wednesday Entrepreneur Interview series for this post about #reverb10, seeing as I’m part of the interactive crew & can’t think of a better way to start the last month of the year than blogging about what 2010 was all about and what I want 2011 to be. The next interview will be posted […]
YLYW Interview #5: Mike Dooley on Manifesting Change & TUT
Whoa.. I am so thrilled about this interview that I don’t even know where to begin. Tut.com? Meeting Mike Dooley? Infinite Possibilities? The daily Notes from the Universe? Many of you already know about Mike and TUT but for those of you who don’t, TUT stands for Totally Unique Thoughts and is based on the […]
YLYW Interview # 4: Gideon Shalwick, Online Video Boss Man
Back in 2009 when non-techie, fund strapped me wanted to set up my first wordpress site, I found Gideon’s fantastic free blogging tutorials at Become a Blogger and uploaded this site within a day! I’ve been a huge fan since. Seeing that Gideon’s a video blogging rockstar, I decided to do my first ever video […]