How To Make a Change Once & For All

Make it more important than anything else. There, I gave it to you upfront. The # 1 thing you need to do if you want life and circumstances to change in any way. You can stop reading now. Seriously, I mean it. If this makes perfect sense to you and you are READY, that’s all […]

Stuck in Mid Air

…. and freaking out? This is a place well visited, well known by many of us. Those times when everything’s changing around you for the umpteenth time. When it feels like you’re speeding along and yet, strangely, stuck in parallel Universes. When you take a giant leap forward into a new you, a new direction […]

The Hidden Cause of Resistance

If you’ve ever, or are ~ “sabotaging yourself” & resisting what you “know you oughtta be doing” to get what you want, this post is for YOU. What causes resistance? Fear. Fear is one of the reasons – fear of failure, fear of success, fear of bla bla bla. That’s what most people think is […]

A Quick Case for Jumping In

How are you spending your time? Are you spending it experiencing everything in your vicinity right now? Or are you resisting what’s going on in your life? Are you waiting to make sense of something, waiting for conditions to be perfect? Or waiting till you know exactly what you want? Trying to do what you think is […]

A Journey Across Time

Two years ago, she made the hard decision to leave her past behind. Sad & fearful of the unknown future, she packed her bags and left New Zealand, her home of 4 years to move half way across the world. Yet again. For the 4th time. Leaving behind her home, partner, friends, life as she […]

The Repository of Fabulousness… YOUR blogs!

Hey guys! Two things – First, I’m now on Day 9 of Round 2 of the 29 gifts in 29 days project I did last year and it’s so much fun to look for something special to do each day. (Way to build that giving muscle – check it out and join me in this project […]

What Do You Want To Be Known For?

“What is it that you want to be ‘known’ for? What idea do you want to represent? The next 24 hours bring insights, signs and sudden revelation!” Kim Falconer asked this question yesterday. I let it sit with me. At first my mind ran through all the things my social self wants to be known […]

A Matter of Survival or Creating Dependency?

Tony Robbins shared a quote on his facebook page today: “You don’t marry someone you can live with – you marry the person who you cannot live without.” Anonymous. And then he added “I’m grateful I found my Wife Sage!” As a person who believes in the power of words and consciously creating reality, I […]

Digging the Now – Guest Post by Col

Guest Post” Digging the Now, By Col McGunnigle, Life by Muse “I’m pissed off at my dreamboard!” I remember saying that two years ago. I had this gorgeous creation, with the exact guy and the exact house and the exact scenario all mapped out … and it was just *not* happening. So I would walk by […]

Revolutionary Idea That Will Blow Your Mind!

Ok, not true. It’s the simplest idea and it’s quite an unsparkly one. But what you do with it, has potential to blow your mind. It all started when I realised with a shock that I’ve pretty much lost the ability to do one thing at a time. At any time (including when I’m asleep, […]