What comes to your mind when you hear the word breakdown? Emotional pain? Flat out on the bathroom floor weeping salty tears of the heartbreaking variety? A complete & utter emotional, physical and mental meltdown? According to the interwebs, it’s: an acute, time-limited phase of a specific disorder that presents primarily with features of depression […]
How to Get Out Of Your Way & Make Smart Choices
When Life Hands you Lemons, Squirt it in the Kisser!
Baby, you’re a FIREWORK!!
You’re totally smart. That’s why you don’t set resolutions and goals like “this year I’m going to get fit, happy and rich”. Instead you set goals that are defined, numeric and time bound. Like “this year I’m going to make 6 figure income from my business” or “quit my job on April 1st” or “have 5000 […]
Year in Review: Defining Moments #reverb10
On Appreciation #Reverb10
I’ve decided not to play “catchupsies” with all the #reverb1o prompts. Frankly, “having to” is just not in my vocabulary and it’s starting to feel like work. So I’m going to answer randomly as inspired. Which I’ve been doing anyways 😉 This one spoke to me today. December 14 – Appreciate What’s the one thing you […]
YLYW Interview #9: Pam Slim on Escaping the Cubicle
Pam! Pam Slim! For those of you who are social media addicts and regular readers, there’s no need for an introduction. For newer readers (welcome!), I’ll tell you the worst kept secret around – we love Pam and she is a legend. That is all. Oh ok, I’ll give you more. Pam’s an author, cubicle-prisoner-to […]
STRIKE! Letting go of 11 for 2011 #Reverb 10 Style
Holy gumballs! This is officially my 100th post 😀 Woot wooty woot! (what in Thor’s name does that even mean?). Anyways, moving on… What started as “Coach T.I.A – Take Inspired Action!” In April 2009, butterflied into Your Life YOUR Way in October 2010. The new branding was born. A few days ago, the process […]
YLYW Interview #8: Susan Biali’s Scanner Lifestyle
I’m not sure this blog can take any more hotness. What is it with the successful entrepreneurs and authors featured in the Your Life YOUR Way Interview series all being so damn gorgeous!? They’re smart, enthusiastic and great at what they do, that’s a given. But have you noticed how goodlooking they all are too? […]
YLYW Interview #7: David Garland on Unconventional Entrepreneurship
David Siteman Garland’s story is one of unconventional entrepreneurship. Imagine dreaming up an idea at a coffee shop one day, which leads to you creating a “job” for yourself by marrying together your passion for entrepreneurship with your love for connecting with people? (Sounds like MY dream!) Thanks to that moment of inspiration, we now […]