Life wastes itself while we are preparing to live – Ralph Waldo Emerson If you had one week left to live, would you still be doing what you’re doing now? In what areas of your life are you preparing to live? Take them off your To Do list and add them to a To Stop […]
Intuition, Trust and Cherry Blossom Trees
Who looks outside, dreams; Who looks inside, awakes. (Jung-ism) Dreaming+Awakening=Unstoppable OptimisticalCanDoItis. (Your Life YOUR Way-ism) Dreaming probably comes easier to you than trusting yourself. I’m not talking about trusting yourself to pay the bills, raise a family, or suchlike – you’ve got a pretty good handle on that. Let’s talk about INNER trust. Self belief. […]
Putting The Puzzle Pieces Together
I just read a post by Susannah Conway – Can we be honest. It got quite the epic response. She talks about being real and blogging with authenticity, something that I, along with every other blogger and coach, have gone blue in the face thinking and talking about. No one knows just what the ‘right […]
The Multi-Passionate Entrepreneur: A Scanner’s Resume. And How to Tell if You’re One Too.
The Power of Belief, Caroline Casey & Johnny Cash
The Four Agreements, Life & Solopreneurship
You’ve probably read this book. It applies to daily life, yes, and even as importantly, the Four Agreements can transform the way you run your business. Think of them as a Guide to Life & Solopreneurship, angels on your shoulder whispering words of wisdom, helping you chart your course. Four dead simple, challenging commitments. Agreement […]
Sunday Playdate: The Appreciation Series #6
Sunday Playdate: The Appreciation Series # 5
The Secret I’m Afraid to Tell You
Sunday Playdate: The Appreciation Series # 4
Weekly Sunday Appreciation Series part vier. Abundance comes from noticing that which we ALREADY have and in appreciating our current blessings, we create the space to allow in more. I don’t necessarily mean more things, but more yumminess, happiness, fulfillment, peace, fun! How often do you take things for granted and don’t even notice how […]