Name: Tia Sparkles
But my mom calls me: Tiiiiiiiiii-na (that’s right, I changed my name in 2001)!
Found at: tia at coachtia dot com.
Rarely seen without: My signature blue toenails. Silver jangly jewelry. Button-down military shirts. A jar of Nutella. And a spoon.
Best day of my life (to date): Climbing up to the Mt Everest Base Camp at 17,600 feet. #ISurvived.
Worst ten minutes of my life: Boarding school at Nainital, India. Age 5. Group shower. HELL.
Longest time I’ve held down a ‘real’ job: 3 years
(does freelance massage therapist count?)Number of stamps in my passport: 30-ish.
Secret freak-talent: Hula-hooping.
Unexpected gift: Being let go from a counseling job in Canada after two months. I secretly wanted some time off — and the unexpected break led me into life coaching, and starting my own business. Thanks, Universe!
You’d never believe I have a: Bachelor’s degree in Economics. And a Post Grad in Business Administration.
But more importantly, I’m also a: CTI trained certified Life Coach since 2009.
Obsession: Chasing my next jolt of inspiration.
Confession: I’m a worrier with a tendency to overcomplicate, overanalyze, and overcrazify even the simplest decisions. I see opportunities everywhere, which is fantastic . . . except for when I get paralyzed by possibility!
Keeping my life sweet ‘n simple — and keeping my Inner Sparkle alive — is a daily challenge. That’s cos I’m a Scanner. Sparkler. Multi-passionate with too many interests to choose (could you be one, too?).
It’s so worth it though.
The Seven Kajillion Dollar Question: What do you really, truly WANT?
Hello! I’m Tia.
And I’m here to unleash your Inner Sparkle.
From the moment I bounced into this bright, bounteous world, all I’ve ever-ever wanted was FREEDOM. The freedom to play when I want, and work when I choose. The freedom to quit, and restart, and rewind. The freedom to sell all my furniture, pack up my laptop + my favorite pair of jeans, and plant myself in a new country.
The freedom to do what inspires me.
To live my life, MY way.
And as a multi-passionate, multi-talented, multi-magnificent Sparkler, there’s a whole LOT that inspires me.
Which doesn’t mean that my life is one long disco-till-dawn dance party. All the time.
I’ve struggled with bouts of life-draining depression + paralyzing pessimism for a lot of my early adult-ish life. As a teenager, I even got tangled in some seriously unpleasant suicidal thoughts. I had to FIGHT to stay uplifted, confident and inspired.
The fight keeps me fiery. And it keeps me humble.
These days, I am a full-time, globe-trotting, freedom-seeking Inner Sparkle activator.
Which is a fancy-schmancy way of saying: I use my own life experiences, hard-won business knowledge + life coaching superpowers to help people (like YOU!) dream bigger, demand better — and make braver choices.
Even when — especially when — life feels less than sparkle-tastic.
Because that’s when we need our dreams, most of all.
Want to explore the sparklemania possibilities?
Check out The INNER SPARKLE e-course.
Hippity-hop to my blog.
Or contact me if you have a question: tia at
Here’s to creating your life, YOUR way.
With minimal Shoulds. And maximum Sparkle.
~ xox, Tia.
Life Coach, Glitter Lover, (ex) Nutella Addict, Awesometastical Word Maker-Upper.
For the ultra-curious, only . . .
10 quirks, secrets + strange-o-la facts about me:
1. I (used to) regularly consume full-sized jars of Nutella, over the course of 2 days.
2. I once took a 2-week holiday to the US, got offered a job + ended up staying for 2 years (100% legally, yo). This kind of thing happens to me all. the. time.
3. Case in point: I once moved to New Zealand with a girlfriend who didn’t want to go alone. She stayed for 6 months. I stayed for 4 years.
4. My dad was in the Indian Air Force, and my family moved to a new base every couple of years. As a result, I’m really, really good at making new friends in unfamiliar places.
5. My WHOLE. LIFE. CHANGED. after reading Barbara Scher’s Refuse to Choose!: A Revolutionary Program for Doing Everything That You Love. It was the first time I realized that being a Multi-Passionate / Polymath-o-matic / Renaissance Soul / Scanner / Sparkler with a zillion interests was a GIFT, not a flaw.
6. I believe that our childhood dreams hold clues to our most sparkle-licious lives. When I was a kid, I wanted to be an author, a teacher, and a mother. I’ve never written a book or taught in a classroom, kids aren’t peeking out from behind my apron — and yet, my whole life is about writing, sharing, inspiring, and creating. In a spooky-weird way, I am an author-teacher-momma. Just not in the way I expected . . . yet.
7. I (still) love unicorns. I had a unicorn pendant that I wore evvvvvery single day of college, until it literally crumbled to bits.
8. At certain dance clubs in Atlanta, there is a particular move called “The Tia.” Which I invented. A long time ago. (There may be a video demonstration in the works.)
9. Almost everything has the potential to make me cry. Sappy movies. Hand lotion advertisements. Babies in airports. Lonely-looking bananas at the supermarket.
10. I frequently have open-ended conversations with The Universe. We’re on a first-name, hug-it-out basis, these days.
What They’re Saying..
Here’s a whole bunch of warm, gooey love and appreciation from clients I’ve coached & people I’ve inspired, connected, interacted & fallen in love with in the past year.
Giselle MacLean
Before my time with Tia, I knew and expected very little from a life coach. So what made me decide to hire one? The belief that I could do more with my life – I just needed help in achieving my goals.
My thoughts and goals before I met Tia were wonderful, yet disjointed with no symmetry or plan as how to make them happen.
- Scrapbook storeowner
- Become a paid writer
- Gain better exposure for my writing
- Improve on the quality of my blog content
- Find the time to write
- Finish a short story
- Figure out how to appreciate myself
- Learn not tohave guilt when I took time for myself
- Write a children’s book
WOW! I look at this list now, six months since my first session with Tia and I am amazed. Not that my list was so long, but rather, how much I accomplished from this list.
Tia was not just a mentor, cheerleader extraordinaire, kick in the butt coach – she also had the ability to help a strong headed woman believe in her self worth and her brilliance.
I found new excitement in my writing. My confidence opened numerous doors. I became a monthly contributor to Fuel Your Writing. I joined, and was hired for my first job. I will contribute to PEARL magazine, a citywide publication for Peterborough, Ontario. My blog site traffic increased and I gained new followers.
Here is the best part: I always believed that I had a healthy sense of self. I loved and cared for myself. Well Bulgerdash! I found a zillion reasons as to why I could not take time for me. With Tia’s coaching, I owned up to this, discovered ways to over come, started writing, became happier and found my world flowing with positive energy.
And for that, I am forever grateful.
Juhree Zimmerman R.N., B.Sc.N., M.Ed., C.P.C.C., O.R.S.C.C.
Master Certified Coach,
Tia, you are a remarkably sophisticated coach with a big heart and a lot of fierce courage. You have such great intuition and people skills. I really appreciate your honesty and your patience with even the slipperiest clients (no names mentioned here).
All this, plus you are smart, well educated, motivated AND gorgeous. It was an honour having you as my coach and I appreciate the way you held me. Thank you SO much for the guidance with all the social media stuff.
Best of luck to you in Argentina! Keep in touch from wherever you are.
Lynne Pruner,
Health & Wellness Coach, Commonsense Health & Wellness Coaching
Why did I choose Tia as a life coach? She’s very worldly and educated and genuine. She’s about living your life the way you choose and walks the talk! Tia does not take herself too seriously but is serious about finding the fun in life and connecting with people. Not only is she connecting and manifesting positive change one on one, she is connecting others with others!
Suyin Nichols
Certified Weight Loss Coach,
I have gotten a lot out of your Coffee with Coaches calls. You have a lightness and a realness about you – which is not a natural gift for everyone.
Thanks for being so real, Tia. It inspires me!
NinaT: Love you so much! I’m inspired, have started yoga, lost weight and am looking for a new job. So much happier than I’ve been in years, thank you for all that you do, I’m SO glad to have you in my life! You’re an amazing coach & friend.
MelissaB: “I feel so blessed and just down right wonderful right now. Thank you thank you and thank you from my heart to yours. You have brought your sparkles into my life!”
Tiffany Hale, Blog reader & Subscriber (A personal favourite!)
I just wanted to e-mail to tell you thanks so much! As an avid follower of Jeannette Maw’s Good Vibe Blog, I always saw these fabulous posts from a beautiful lady named Tia.
Today I visited your website, read the “about” section, and I’m sold! I’ve never felt so inspired to simply pick up my life and have FUN! While other methods seem very theoretical, your simple way of fun + inspired action= wonderful journey….it’s simply perfect!
I’m only sixteen, and though I’m young, I want to make this my lifestyle. I obviously can’t afford your official services, but I’d like to let you know you have another person out there that believes in what you’re doing, and I’ll be using your blog as a tool. Thanks so much!!
Joanne Rathburn: Thank you for all you do and mostly for your upbeat attitude and fun way of conveying your message! I love hearing from you. I’ll never forget the caring and in-depth answer you sent me after I emailed you last year. Have a wonderful day!
Leslie Stein
Facilitator, Trainer & Coach,
Thanks, Tia!!! You were the one who encouraged me to write the original Penny story for your blog. It wasn’t until I got such good feedback from your readers that I thought, “Huh…I should do a book!”
So…thank you for your Co-Active contribution to my project! AND…you were inspiration for this workshop. YAY!!!!
I pick up so many interesting/fun/useful stories & ideas from you…each one a drop of joy in my life’s bucket!! So many people think their purpose is about doing. Your purpose feels more like its about being. Being joyous…and then sharing that with others. Is there a better way to live? If so, I’d like to know what it is! 🙂
Followed by some Tweet Love (just because I can) ..
samrosen Best online engagement, a big thank-you, and a huge Honorable Mention to @TiaSparkles! Ur contributions were AWEsome! #influencer
sourcePOV Thanks @TiaSparkles fr awesome #BlogChat synthesis “Ask for comments, write 30m a day, inspiration, negative comments, top 15 #WP plugins”
jenny_blake Great life lessons 🙂 RT @TiaSparkles 25 Things I wish I’d Learned Sooner in my Life
Nicholas_Cardot: @TiaSparkles Tia, you’re just awesome. That’s all there is to it. You’re awesome.
bigbrightbulb Hiya @TiaSparkles, reading good stuff about you too (and enjoying your tweet archive!) Thanks @TanyaGeisler🙂
NataliePeluso When you need to *still* the ripples. Wise divas #FF @HiroBoga @jenlouden @pamslim@TiaSparkles@juliedaley @DanielleLaPorte @KellyDiels
KimFalconer @tiasparkles Tia, I’ve never seen more beautiful commitment to work AND love. You are showing us all the way! #MaMo
andreajlee @TiaSparkles hon, you add such value everywhere you go
toddkashdan @TiaSparkles Thanks Tia! and let me say your enthusiasm had me smiling multiple times even though we didnt even talk…yet #wtlead
JenPowter @TiaSparkles It was so awesome to meet you – your energy is incredible! #wtlead
Lianne_R @TiaSparkles really awesome to connect with you Tia – you really do sparkle
karriflatla Shout out to @TiaSparkles for your kind words and timely help 😉
Love your website and all of your positive facebook posts! Just signed up for your newsletter, we all need more fun and sunshine in our lives!! 🙂
Thanks Elizabeth! Rock on, Sparklepants!
Hello Ms. Sparkles,
I am a prosecutor in Cook County Illinois. I am scheduled to keep a peacemaking circle with middle school girls. While looking for positive affirmations, I came across your peom, “You.Are.Amazing.” I would like to read it to the girls and give them a copy of it to remember. May I have your permission to do so? Thank you.
Kathy Bankhead
Hi Kathy! Feel free to read it out, yes. How did you plan to give a copy – a simple print out or were you going to create something more elaborate?
Hi Tia,
I happened upon your blog and found your positive attitude and philosophy delightful, inspiring, and relatable because of your personal experiences. I was hoping you would review “Act Accordingly,” which is set to be released on June 25, 2013.
You have exactly one life in which to do everything you’ll ever do. Act accordingly.
Only 74 pages, “Act Accordingly” is a philosophical framework written to help people become the best possible version of themselves. Rather than proposing a one-size-fits-all code of beliefs or behaviors, the ideas presented in this intentionally concise book encourage readers to question their long-held biases, their definition of confidence, their level of self-sustainability, and the degree to which they allow themselves to evolve their beliefs over time.
Colin Wright is a 28-year-old author, entrepreneur, and full-time traveler. For the past four
years, Colin has moved to a new country every four months based on the votes of his readers. He has published 11 books in addition to his subscription-based dispatches, Exiles and Let’s Know Things.
Colin has been featured in USA Today, The Jeff Probst Show, TEDx, and many other major
media outlets around the world. His blog, Exile Lifestyle, has more than 150,000 readers per month.
May I send you an Advanced Reader Copy of “Act Accordingly”? If so, please let me know if you would prefer Kindle, EPUB, or PDF. Also, would you be interested in doing an interview or free giveaway?
We’re all about making things easier and adding value for everyone involved, so is there anything we can do to make the review process better for you?
Thank you for your time!
Rosalie Saenz
Public Relations
Asymmetrical Press: For the Indie at Heart
Hi Rosalie! What a great message, thanks lady. While I am not doing any reviews at the moment, I’d love for Colin to do a guest post + a giveaway! If he is open to that, of course. I’m connected to him on twitter/facebook and think he is super inspiring and amazing. Let me know at tia at please. Thanks for thinking of me!
Hi Tia,
I own a small skin and body boutique in a small Irish settled town in Koroit, Victoria, Australia. I have only been open for just on 12 months at the end of June. I am 44, a single mother of 4 teenage children and I run my own small business. I have worked in the wellbeing industry for just over 5 years now, Im a beauty therapist by trade. But I think my career is really a “listener”….. Especially to women and their worries and insecurities!! Im always a positive and happy person myself, and I try to pass this on to my clients. During treatments and when clients arrive and leave, I’m always trying to make them feel positive about themselves. Some days are harder than others, but I’m always surprised at how just a little positive word or a touch or a hug, can change the way a woman feels inside. I found your website because I was hoping to get some canvas posters done for my boutique with insipirational quotes on them for women. I absolutely love your quote about “You are amazing”, which kind of struck a cord with me since my boutique is called Amazing Grace and I keep telling women how amazing they really are. I was wandering if i may use this quote in a poster and perhaps on some treatment cards I give out to my clients? I look forward to your reply. Keep smiling and best of luck in sharing the LOVE… Cheers Michelle xxx
Hi Michelle, thank you so much for doing what you do to make our world a better place 🙂 I am starting the process of creating posters and downloadable PDFs of my poem so could you please hold off on using it till I do? If you have any ideas on design / who to contact for that, I’m all ears. Looking for the best way to provide access for everyone who wants this poem, in a way that is in keeping with Your Life YOUR Way way. Thanks for understanding 🙂
Ps: I love Irish people and their accents!!
Dear Ms. Singh,
I am Caroline Mack and I just came across your website for the very first time. I am in Sumter, SC. I am writing to ask permission to utilize the poem you have posted at the beginning of the website. I am speaking for the Sumter County Sheriff’s Department “Girls to Women” conference graduation this Saturday, June 29. The program mentors young girls ages 10-17 and there is a small graduation ceremony to conclude the weekend. I would love to open with this poem as it is so incredibly powerful and appropriate. Please let me know if this will be acceptable to you. Many thanks for your consideration.
Caroline Mack
Caroline Mack Center for the Arts
PO Box 623 * Sumter, SC 29151
Found this in spam, Caroline. How did the ceremony go?
Dear Tia
I like your new name – sparkeling and lovely 🙂
I write you because we have a common and wonderful friend here in Denmark – Anne-Marie Vedstesen.
I’ve worked with Anne-Marie for many years – she brought me your contact.
I’ve done something very sparkeling on top of a divorce – I’ve quite my job the kids school and e v e r y t h i n g – the 3 of us are going to India, Nepal and Indonesia for around 4-6 months. In 10-14 days we will arrive Delhi.
If you are in town and interested in meeting us and drinking a cup of coffee – I ill like to contact you – I guess you can tell us what we really have to do in India – before we are going to the south – the yoga, the mindfulness and the ayurvedic foot 🙂 Now you have my e-mail – write me if that could be nice and okay.
Climbing up to the Mt Everest Base Camp – is also one of my biggest experience. Love from Hanne and Denmark
Loved your website and all of your posts….
You really are a sparkle that really motivated the real me to write, to create, to inspire… you rock tia..
HI Tia,
I am a super scanner who is often in paralysis because i am overwhelmed by myself and my own inspirations. i’m hugely educated – a BA and MA in philosophy and all the coursework for a PhD, but it didn’t work to finish and go on the simple academic track. It’s like i have too much life in me for one person and so i end up not doing much…. i cried thru all of “refuse to choose” – omg to be seen and understood as something other than pathology! i did the same thing as barbara with the UCB catalog when i started college there! I am ready to have some support focusing on my light and creating offerings that are sustainable. i really want to contribute in the world, but have had a consistently hard time b/c nothing in me will sit still long enough…. i am evolving so constantly and rapidly that by the time i make a website or even a business card it already feels outdated… i also need help putting decisions in order because much of my life is in the maybe zone and a long list of things depend on each other… and it goes in a circle. i want to invest in my garden but i also want to travel but i might be doing major construction on my house but i really just want to get quiet and focused and make my next music album but i want to work on performing, but i need to go pick up my art form the cafe where i jut had a show (and nobody bought anything..), but i also need to make food and reorganize my house and meanwhile i really just want to read my new book about geography but i also want to go to the local shelter and continue my energy work with the animals there but i also need to work on my website to allow more people to experience my healing genius but i have some hesitation about being seen that way but i really want to put my energy into continuing the momentum with leading kirtan and getting more gigs for that but i also really want to start a grief circle and offer about 10 other classes and workshops i’ve been thinking of , but i also really miss dancing and want to devote myself to that (several kinds) but then i also really need to work out more and get back in shape after some injuries, but then i have to set it all down to go to stupid doc appoints and i really need to find a coach/counselor but i’m tired of doing “shadow” work trying to figure out why i’m like this as tho it’s a disease but i really want to go to findhorn and learn about permaculture and also i want to start seeds and work the garden and buy furniture for my new house and maybe start a food cart or chai business………. you get the idea. this is what it’s like in my head/heart much of the time. it feels good to externalize it by writing. i think i will do some more of this soon. and i just CAN”T do things that i don’t have real energy and attention for in the moment i am doing them. i go from being a zombie (when i try to do things at the “wrong” time) to being a powerhouse when the moment is right. anyway. how do you go about helping people like me? and what do you charge? and do you work by phone or???
glad to know you’r out there.
Yonti Ma, Life Artist.
Hope you are doing great well.
I am looking for some advertising opportunities and impressed with the quality of your blog I was wondering if you allow Sponsored Posts and In-Content Text Link ad placement on your blog. Can you please let me know with the price you charge for per post and In-Content link placement?
Looking for your kind reply.
Best Regards,