Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. – Mark Twain.
(This is a post by Rebecca Hulse).
Do you have big, wildly audacious dreams that you have no idea how to, or if you can ever achieve? Wish you could make your dreams come true?
Yeah, me too.
At 11, I wanted to be the first New Zealander in the (Russian only) Bolshoi Ballet.
At 16, I wanted to be a Prima Ballerina in an American Ballet Company.
But at 18, my dreams were dashed.
I didn’t make it to the next step even though I had done it all right – worked hard, practiced, visualized, EFTed, written goals, vision boarded, social accountability. You name it.
I had failed at making my dream come true, and now I had to do the unthinkable. Give up on it or..
Revise. Tweak. Adjust.
It was pretty scary at first realizing that my higher self didn’t need me to experience so much pain and rejection just to ‘become’ successful as a dancer.
There had to be another way to make my dream come true!
With the help of my love Cameron, I changed my focus to a broader, more challenging commercial dance stream where I would learn to do everything.
I felt like a fraud the first time I said “I lost the passion for ballet but I still wanted to dance, so I took a new broader direction and am expanding my options.”
My little inner Miss Perfect was yelling in my head “You’re a liar!! You’re lying through the skin of your teeth. You failed and everyone knows that!!”.
I fought really hard with her.
I’d stuff her down, and she’d send me into a little fetal ball of tears.
I’d stand up and show her the life I could have as a commercial dancer, and she responded with a sickening gut feeling that I was about to destroy my life and plans.
I pushed past her anyway.
Moved away from home and in with my boyfriend, to learn commercial dance and create a new dream.
It wasn’t easy.
For the first 3 -4 weeks, Miss Perfect got the better of me and I wanted nothing more than to leave the love of my life, abandon my new plans, go home and do nothing if I couldn’t be the ballet dancer I wanted to be.
Thankfully, I knew better than to destroy my light in the process of trying to dance a particular way or give up.
With time, it got better and I felt more and more on my path.
The Universe sent loving messages to me saying “Rebecca, do you see that? If you like that, I want to give it to you, all you need to do is say YES!”.
By the end of two years, those messages were coming thick and fast from a million directions.
Walt Disney says “All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.” Click to Tweet.
Every time I was courageous, Miss Perfect reared her devilish head but I got better at being lovingly deaf and paying attention to the reality I was choosing.
That of creating my own paradise.
Cameron and I had set our hearts on cruise ships, with the ultimate dream of working on a first class cruise line.
We slaved away at our audition videos, C.Vs and photo-shoots.
I researched and researched to find the right people to talk to.
At one point, we tried so hard that I almost cracked my head open doing a new lift to impress the recuiters – I didn’t and I’m ok :)!
And then we sent our application off and waited.
It was out of our hands now.
All we could do was hold our vision and receive – and not let Miss Perfect override everything we had hustled for.
What happened next?
Within 4 weeks, Cameron was offered a contract with Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines in the US.
But… I wasn’t.
This was part of our criteria – we go together or not.
Our dream was clear and we did not intend to do long distance again.
I was crushed. But I wasn’t ready to give up. So after a bunch of tears, I sat up, renewed my determination, and pulled out all the tricks in the hat I knew.
I EFTed the sh*t out of it – “Even though I’m a worse dancer than Cameron and I didn’t get offered a job because of it, I deeply and completely accept myself…”
I meditated (thank you Leonie Dawson for your fear releasing meditation – you healed me).
And I set my intuition and feminine energy to work.
We decided to give it another go and sent off an email with a vision of the end result in mind – both of us having a contract on the same ship at the same time.
And then….
I got the call.
I had been accepted and was even “perfect” for the role! Ha!
With a long journey, endless manifestation and visioning, hard work, sweat, blood and tears, and the final Hero’s Hurdle we had done it.
Achieved the so called impossible. It was different this time from my first dream – I could feel our Highest Good supporting us on our venture.
All the people who ‘for our own good’ warned us that our first contracts wouldn’t be together, flashed through my mind. And I cried happy tears of gratitude that by standing in our own truth, we had gotten exactly what we wanted.
I had changed my life with all the tools I had been lovingly provided by my late dad and awesome mum.
It was no longer hocus pocus that ‘might work’ – this shit is real!
So here I am, writing to you in the middle of the Caribbean Ocean on the Jewel of the Seas after a standing ovation in tonight’s show, living my dream with the love of my life.
I’m asking you now.. what is your dream?
And are you letting it be heard? Answered?
What will it take for you to do it anyway – even if it scares the living bejeesus out of you?
What will happen if you never ever do it?
I urge you right now to do something about it!
Any action you take today, will take you one day closer to being your own Hero.
Will you let it happen? I’d love to hear from you – leave me a comment and tell me what scary dream you will breathe life into today!
Love and Big Possibilities,
P.S.: If a green 19 year old can do it – you, with almost definitely more life experience than me, can too!
Rebecca Hulse is a dream believer, life coach, laughter yoga teacher, and professional dancer.
She helps dream seekers create their own reality with the law of attraction and other secret tools from tropical paradise in the Caribbean.
You can find more inspiration and her ebook L.I.F.E. For Dreamers Everywhere for free at
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Love this article! Good on you Rebecca. Stick-to-it-tiveness is hard. I have always been one to give up to easily. I am now on a new path and question whether I will succeed and think I’ll probably end up giving up if it doesn’t work out. But I’ve resolved to try and stick to it this time around. Thanks for the inspiration.
Deevra – just want to encourage you to keep doing what you love to do. Perhaps like Rebecca you may be able to adjust/adapt/rearange your plans/goals in some way???
I’ve begun to keep a book I call ‘My little book of writing success’ in it I put any comments or feedback I have received (no matter how small!!!) and I look at it when I feel like giving up.xxxx
Hi Jannietta
Thanks for the encouragement. Things are moving ahead slowly but steadily. I now have about 4 clients, one who has just told me he will pay me double for my future services because he is happy with my service! That made my day. Financially things are still a challenge, but in the short space of about 3 months, I have managed to make a bit headway. Still not enough to completely live on, but small steps and eventually I am sure I can make a decent living out of this.
As for you saying perhaps you’ve reached an age where you no longer dare to dream big – you never too old! Besides, dreams don’t have to be BIG and fanciful. It’s all about what makes you happy and fulfilled.
Great to hear your news – well done – 4 clients is a great start and one who wants to pay double -WOW!
I realised after I’d written my comment that actually in many ways I am living my dream at the moment – as you say it doesn’t have to be BIG and fanciful. I am becoming more and more happy and fulfilled each day – which must count for something!
Lovely article Rebecca – well done for ignoring your ‘little miss perfect voice’!
I’m interested in this whole thing about dreams – but must admit normally when I read articles about manifesting dreams they are always about BIG dreams and I struggle to articulate what BIG dream I may have once had. I wonder if I’ve just forgotten what my BIG dream was, or whether I’ve reached such an age that I no longer dream big??? (or dare to??)
Recently I’m pursuing my dream to write and to connect with others through my writing and I am constantly having to deal with my own little miss perfect voice and inner critic. Also I have to keep reminding myself that my dream is to write and connect which is not necessarily the same thing as becoming famous, successful or even sort after by publishers.
SO I’m celebrating all my small successes and enjoying the feeling of doing something I love.
At the same time I am aware of other dreams that linger…to bethe most loving I can be, to share that love with family and friends; to build a good marriage; to grow in self awareness; to be happy and enjoy life; to spread peace where I can; to be appreciative of life etc, etc
Congratulations Rebecca! It’s fantastic that you are living your dream. I am too. It just took me 55 years. The first 50 were spent ‘wondering in the wilderness’. I had no idea what I wanted to do and took many roads trying to escape myself and learning about all kinds of things I did NOT want to do. 🙂