Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve. – Napoleon Hill.
Even…. BatKnight! – Tia.
(This is a post by Gabrielle Conde).
Who are you waiting on to show up?
… to fix your car?
… your relationship?
… the job you hate?
… your business, your life?
The thing about waiting is that while you’re waiting, life goes on.
- Mail piles up.
- The grass doesn’t mow itself.
- Your kids don’t take a bath unless you tell them to.
- Your car has something else go wrong with it on top of the thing you haven’t fixed yet.
- That cute guy you saw at the grocery store meets someone else because you didn’t talk to him.
It’s okay. I know. None of that moves you to action because you’re stuck.
Somewhere along the line, you had a vision. One that you’re not letting go of. One that burns in your belly because you’re so passionate about it.
You may want to:
- Start a business, be your own boss
- Market your existing business
- Find your soulmate
- Change careers
- Be fulfilled
- Insert desire ___
So, you set out to work on your goals, but along the way hurdles popped up out of nowhere and landed on your path. You let them get in the way of what you wanted. Now, you’re not sure what to do, what you want, and so you wait…
Like Rapunzel in the castle who can’t get out because the door is locked and there’s a twenty storey drop from the window.
Or, like Sleeping Beauty… sleeping through life until someone kisses you and wakes you up.
Here’s your kiss, sweetie…
Wake up. No, REALLY wake up.
Wake up everyday. Shine your brilliant smile to people you meet.
Face the pain on the inside that keeps you awake at night, day in and day out. Of the money, success, prince not showing up as expected. And then, make a plan to save yourself! No one else is going to do it.
I know because, before I became an intuitive life path coach, I was stuck a lot too. I’ve been in bad relationships and have gotten out because of intuition. I’ve replaced my smashed PT Cruiser bumper by taking off the old one and putting on the new because no one wanted to do it for me unless I paid them about $200 an hour. Luckily, it hasn’t fallen off yet!
The point is that I feel so much better because I’m no longer stuck in those situations. I owned up to what I wanted. I saw that I could have it. I realized that I WAS WORTH IT! And I went out and got it.
And can get yourself unstuck and be your own BatKnight. Here’s how:
1. Sharpen your inner guidance.
Intuition and observation are a woman’s best friend. It tells you when that guy at the bar is not the right one for you. It lets you know when your kid tries to sneak in an extra snack over you. It lets you know what you’re doing is right and good. It also lets you know when you need a break.
That inner guidance serves you in so many ways that you can always save yourself if you listen to it.
How? The fastest, easiest way to do that is to ask a question and wait for the answer. Start writing them down and place your fingers on your forehead if you’re not getting a clear answer. This is what I call your intuition center.
When you need to make a decision, consult yourself. You’ll find that you knew the answers all along.
2. Make decisions from a place of empowerment, not fear.
When you’re in the moment, the middle of a situation, you’re experiencing a lot of high energy and emotions. You may choose to fight or hit the road. Go with that, but never make decisions based on fear. They often wind up tying you down.
3. Thank the past and move on.
Stop being a victim of your own punishment. Each time you beat yourself up by saying, “I can’t believe I did that!” or “ugh, I was so stupid,” you reinforce THAT in your mind. Then your mind thinks you can’t make good decisions when you can.
You already did. You made a decision based on what you knew at the time. It’s okay, now move on.
4. Express yourself to your fullest potential.
Live like someone gives you roses everyday. Never reduce yourself. It’s not worth the time and effort to cap yourself and live bottled up. Speak out, speak up about things you believe in. Speak about your day. Speak to the cute guy in the grocery store. Make art. Make love. Make peace.
Whatever you have to do to express your truth.
5. Post positive notes everywhere.
If you’re dealing with negative self talk, you have to lift your energy. Best way to do that? Put positive, inspirational stuff around you. On the walls of your home, in your office, on your Facebook page.
Make sure you see at least one positive thing a day and embrace it fully into your soul.
By surrounding yourself with positive words, objects, and people, you will lift your energy and chase away negative thoughts.
You ARE your own knight in shining armour.
Rescue yourself and get moving into action to get unstuck.
Do you really want to spend all your time by yourself in a tower? Find a way out!
Do you really want to sleep through life? Wake up!
Trust yourself. Trust your decisions. Go. Take action.
You have all the answers within you.
Would love to hear from you – what is one way you’ve rescued yourself in the past or can take action to do that today? Please like/tweet/share, thank you for sharing!
Gabrielle Conde is an Intuitive Life Path Coach and intuitive reader. She’s a messenger that helps others get into action that leads to beneficial results. She can help you see your strengths, find your life path, and know your next steps.
Download her free report, “21 Ways You’re A Beautiful Soul” and receive her free weekly intuitive coaching sessions. Connect on facebook and twitter.
** Want MORE BLISS and less stress in your life? Inner Sparkle: The 21 Day eCourse is made for you. Click here to get inspired. Happy. Sparkly. **
Thank you, Tia, for publishing my post! Hope you’ve enjoyed it. If anyone has any questions or comments, please post below and I’ll be happy to help.
My pleasure, lady! Loved the tips thanks for writing it! Especially LOVED “Live like someone gives you roses everyday”- that’s such an awesome attitude to have!
This article is fabulously on track to what my heart needs… and so many others too! The world grows stronger & happier each day because of people like you both. I send a tremendous ThAnK YoU! for what you have made your life work. I truly believe that each and every one of us are connected through one way or another… that if one soul struggles, we all share a part in it, somehow, someway. In making others feel better, we feel better, the world feels better! and that is JUST AWESOME :] You are appreciated! I hope your day adds sparkles to those pants 🙂 and to your soul! 🙂
Thank you, Erika! You are such a wonderful soul and appreciated also. Hope you have sparkles in your day too! Love to you!