Speak what you think now in hard words, and tomorrow speak what tomorrow thinks in hard words again, though it contradict every thing you said today. – Ralph Waldo Emerson
10 Year Tweet/Text^ by Tia Singh
Imagine your future self, ie, you 10 years from now. If he/she were to send you a tweet or text message,
1) what would it say and
2) how would that transform your life or change something you’re doing, thinking, believing or saying today?(Author: Tia Singh)
Wheee! That’s MOI. Over at the Trust30 Ralph Emerson challenge.
The idea is to think about yourself in the future, unfettered from all the daily trials and tribulations that keep you stuck NOW, and let yourself DREAM!
Dream big, Dream crazy, Dream your TRUE HEART’s desire.
Now, normally I’d be there reading out a little meditation and getting you to close your eyes and start journeying into the future… the house you’re living in .. where you’re working … people around you … what they’re saying… what you’re wearing … the temperature, hot or cold … smells and sounds around … relax your face … walk up to the door of the house … who greets you … where do they take you …
But since this is a short text or tweet, we’ll skip that part and get right to it.
My future self wrote in the sky in big, bold letters (cos by then, tweets and texts = dead?!):
Part Uno:
“Yes you CAN! Do it! PULL the trigger! Life is now baby, rock it!”
Ahhhhh! Of course, she would. Being a Sparkly Scanner, one of the most challenging things for me to do is CHOOSE one option over the other. In waffling back and forth about making decisions, I *sometimes* forget that:
1) I can always change it and choose something else
2) I won’t know what I truly want until I pick something and realise that’s IT (or not)
3) Sitting on the fence is WAY more tiring and less productive than hopping off it and climbing another one.Besides, climbing fences and hopping off is FUN!!
Part Deux:
I have been putting off creating and holding an in-person SocialMedia workshop for Vancouver Coaches* for a YEAR, inspite of having created and delivered smash hit soc-med webinars online for hundreds of coaches!
I had many reasons, not one a good one.
So by remembering that life is now, I’m pulling the trigger and launching the Social Media for Coaches workshop (henceforth called PLAYSHOP)!
It’s not “sometime in the summer” it’s not “when I have enough people” it’s July 9th and 10th. In Vancouver. At Waves Coffee House. At Smithe and Hornby. From 10am – 2pm.
Done. Booked.
And so be it for all decisions I’ve been hemming and hawing over.
If it’s not a Hell Yeah, it’s a No.
Either ways, IN or OUT.
Over to you:
If your future self were to text/tweet/write a message in the sky to you from 10 years in the future, what would it say and how would it change something in your life today?
* ps: If you’re in Vancouver, check it out here and let me know if you want in. If you read this blog, you already know it’s going to be awesome. Online course for Non-Vancouver coaches will be launched in August.
^ pps: thanks for the inspiration, Susan Hyatt!)
I LOVE your fence metaphor – made me remember to when I was a kid back on the farm and walking the fence to see how far I could go w/out falling off would take up the majority of my days b/c it was FUN to see how just how far I could go. If I fell off? I giggled, dusted myself off and got back on the fence. I need that mentality again in my life – thanks for the inspiration!
Love the visual Michelle, had me smiling. Those days, falling was indeed a big giggle and added to the fun so much more. Too bad we get so attached to not falling or failing as adults huh. Glad you’re feeling inspired – see it all as an experiment, then nothing is a failure 🙂 Gonna embrace that one myself!
“And you thought turning 40 was brilliant…just wait til you hit 50!”
She’s bolder, more colorful, laughs more easily, and is more deeply rooted and wiser than my present self. Evolving into her will be such a lovely journey. Each day, I get to find another stepping stone. 🙂
What a kickass reply from a kickass future self 🙂