A friend does a Sunday post on her site where she lists 11 things she is grateful for in her week. I’m borrowing her idea (thanks Laura!) and starting a weekly Sunday Appreciation Series here.
Abundance comes from noticing that which we ALREADY have and in appreciating our current blessings, we create the space to allow in more.
I don’t necessarily mean more things, but more yumminess, happiness, fulfillment, peace, fun!
How often do you take things for granted and don’t even notice how good you really have it?
Here’s your chance to transform your week, no matter how good or bad it was, and end it on a positive, vortexilicious high!
I appreciate this week:
1) Sunshine, sunshine, sunshine! I have been in Calgary for 5 weeks and not once has it rained. Coming from rainy, dreary Vancouver winters (..even though I love the rain, 7 days in a row gets a bit much), it’s been uplifting to have so many sunny days. Makes the -30 temps worth it when I see bright light streaming in through the windows.
2) Tiredness. Yes, that’s right! I have been physically tired all week and took my tiredness to be a sign that I needed to relax, let go and loll in bed till noon today. And so I did. Yay for lolling about!
3) My Aunt. For generously inviting me to stay with her in Calgary when my Argentina plans fell through, and giving me a warm cosy home and yummy home cooked food!
4) My decision to be (extra) sugarfree this month. It actually feels good to say no to the cupcakes and cookies and cheesecakes cos I know it’s helping my body be healthier. On that note, I’m so grateful for triscuits!!
5) My network of friends in Calgary. Both online & IRL. Thank you Debsie, Lach, YLYW facebook friends, D, Kimmilicious, Jen, Laura G, Lana, Jason, Steph and the amazing woman who did energy healing on me at the yoga event!
6) Start with Why. Book by Simon Sinek about finding your WHY and leading with it, before the how and what. If you haven’t seen his TedTalk yet, check it out: How Great Leaders Inspire Action.
7) 4 year old boys. Carla’s 4 year old who wanted me to get my “Pjees” and stay overnight with them and Jen’s cutie who wanted me to stay over another night. LOL. These 2 adorable boys just totally made my week with their sweet innocence and unconditional love ♥
I’d love for you to play this appreciation game with me and list what you’re grateful for in the comments section. Why? Cos this little game has many benefits for you. You’ll:
- Feel good!
- Have a chance to reflect on your week
- Be able to change your perspective about something
- Realise just how many things you have to be grateful for
- Help someone else realise their blessings by listing yours
- Set yourself up with the great habit of looking for the good in each day
- End the week on a positive, happy note no matter how you felt through it
- Eventually be titled God/Goddess of Happiness and Appreciation, the more you play 😉
Happy Sunday!
Boy Tia, you are so right that we need to stop hungering for more sometimes, and just appreciate what we have. Too often we get caught up in our goals and we forget to be thankful for what we have already accomplished.
Also, I loved Simon Sinek’s TedTalk. It is one of my favorites.
Thanks for dropping by Fred 🙂 Would love to peek into your list! What was the best part of your week gone by?
I’ve been making a stressful time for myself lately and totally forgot about the grateful game until someone else asked me what I was grateful for. When I get down I would start listing things I’m grateful for. At first it would be irritating and I’d have to stretch for little stuff but it usually made me feel better. Still, I appreciate all I have, even though I want much more. A few things I’m grateful for:
~ First off, I’m grateful that I’m a grateful person.
~ psych meds so I have a chance at happiness like any other mentally “healthy” person
~ money for the needs and wants I can get with it and even though I want plenty more
~ my friends
~ my intelligence
~ my sense of humor
~ the freedom to choose what to do with my life and not need anyone’s permission
~ the internet and library for all the fun and information they provide me
~ positivity and encouragement from people like Tia 🙂 especially when I don’t feel at all positive
Playdate!!! yeah! i need that.
I appreciate:
~Not taking myself and life too seriously (seriously I don’t)
~Sunshine on my face! but not for to long, or 30spf is needed
~The money I make to pay for food and the house I live in. “But I could certainly use some more money” i will EFT that later
~My family connections (some are loving and some or grrrr!!!! for learning)
~My spirit guides. (Hey where the heavens are you today!?!?! i think i need to meditate again. 🙂
My Life is funloving!!!!!
love and hugs Tia.
Lynne, LOL!! Talk about getting spirited with gratitude! Hahaha you’re so awesome 🙂 Breatheeeee Breatheeeeee!!
Love your list Shauna, thanks for playing 🙂 See you here next Sunday? Be on the lookout for things to appreciate, hehe.
Hi Tia, I’m really enjoying your writing and your message. 🙂
The thing I’m most grateful for today is the return of the Redwing blackbirds, which means Spring can’t be far away. Their song is one of the greatest joys in my world this time of year!
And I’m enjoying your presence here, Laurie 🙂 Yay for Spring! Thanks for sharing and being here!
Hey Tia,
I’m new to your blog and love this gratitude idea. I feel like you and I must be on the same wavelength since one of my recent posts was about eliminating sugar from your diet and the one I last on monday was about gratitude 🙂 I Enjoyed your challenge and gladly take it on, here is what I’m grateful for today:
1) Had a great dinner with my wife and 2 children who despite their tiredness kept it fun.
2) Reading – I am reading 2 books simultaneously and loving every minute of each of them.
3) Spring – Here in Austin TX we can already feel it (despite not being officially on the 21st of this month).
4) New friends, I have started to develop some amazing new relationships with bloggers and people who are really in tune with their mission in life.
5) Pain – I am allowing myself to grieve for the loss of my father and using all of this force to reach others and share a message of the importance living a full life in this now-moment.
6- Twitter, I am pretty new to it but am discovering the power (if well used) to connect and share deeply with others. I just started following you.
7) People like you who are giving their time, energy and love to create value for others.
Appreciate your beautiful and fun post and look forward to getting to know you better through your inspiring work.
Un fuerte abrazo,
Bernardo, Bienvenida! I LOVE seeing new readers comment and introduce themselves on the blog, especially ones that are living in my head, lol. So thank you for that.
How’s the sugar detox going? I crumbled .. no, allowed myself to have 2 gulab jamuns (Indian delicacy) yesterday and figure one day out of 31 ain’t bad. It’s easier than I expected though, cos once I remember why I’m doing this saying no just happens.
Thank you for sharing your beautiful list, it was touching and evocative. I am sorry to hear about your loss and glad that you are allowing yourself to transform your grief into a superpower to help yourself and others. Your sense of service amazes me.
And thanks for # 7 mate, much appreciated. Can’t wait to share tomorrow’s, woohoo! Glad you’re playing along with us. Happy Saturday!
ps: What 2 books are you reading? I’m reading about 4 – Simon Sinek’s Start with Why, Martha Beck’s Steering by Starlight, Barbara Sher’s Refuse to Choose and Katherine Woodward’s Calling in the One. Amazing stuff!
Hi Tia,
Thanks for your reply.
Sugar detox is going great, have been doing it for over a year and never plan to go back 🙂
Thank you for your kind words, service is a focus of mine lately but I am far from where I want to be. As for the books I’m reading: “Thank you Economy” by Gary Vaynerchuck and “Blue Truth” by David Deida. Look forward to coming back to your site and am glad to be in touch with you. A big Hug -Bernardo
Ooooh, thank you for the “start with why” tip and the link to Simon Sinek – he is new to me.
And I appreciate facebook, that has allowed me to have at least some semblance of a social life these past weeks. (Sad, I know. And sometimes we just have to do the best we can.)
Marie, there is nothing sad about that. There have been time that I didn’t leave the house for 4 days in a row and all that kept me going was the friends I was connected with online, and that’s ok. I admire you for the steps you’re taking.
Somewhere, someone’s life is changing because of your courage and showing up. Your presence is a ripple. So thank you for doing the best you can with what you’ve got. Mike Dooley says that’s all you have to do and if Mike says that, I’m inclined to believe it! Big hugs girl xo