My friend Andrew wrote his, Seth Godin did his, and I almost didn’t do my Year in Review cos I thought I hadn’t really done alll that much.
But when I merged the Dec 29th prompt with a year end review… holy cow, was I ever wrong.
And so are you, if you think you didn’t do much either.
It’s only when you start writing, do you realise just HOW much you achieved and experienced, so I reckon if you haven’t written down all your accomplishments, learnings, victories and proud moments in a year end review, now would be the time.
Besides, it’s FUN!
December 29 – Defining Moment Describe a defining moment or series of events that has affected your life this year. (Author: Kathryn Fitzmaurice)
In 2010 I proudly, happily (and sometimes resistantly) shipped, finished, did the following:
- Successfully rebranded my Coach T.I.A law of attraction coaching biz into Your Life YOUR Way, a resource for new solopreneurs to grow their business through personal growth & social media
- Finished 12 month CTI coach training certification & became a Certified Coach
- Invested in a year’s business & personal coaching to grow my own business
- Registered Sparkles Communications Unlimited to reflect the future of this biz
- Attended, learned a ton & networked with cool, successful entrepreneurs at 3 major events (Wealthy Thought Leader, Canada Marketing Summit, TUT)
- Created and ran a 4 teleclass series on Social Media for Coaches, with over 75 people on each call
- Was hired by my 1st few social media clients for coaching & social media consulting for business
- Wrote my first ever eBook on procrastination in 3 days and was stoked at how well it was received
- Read 75+ books on business, social media, marketing, law of attraction, psychology of beliefs, personal development & success AND used ONE thing from almost every book to put into practice!! This was the year of assimilation, year of the sponge, year of learning. Mind awakening anyone?*
- Created a fun 4 week Scanner call series for Good Vibe University with another coach
- Started a kickass written & video Entrepreneur interview series and did book giveaways
- Connected with social media friends offline and built solid relationships
- Saw my clients go thru awesome, positive life & business changes within weeks of coaching
- Was featured in a 125 top fearless female bloggers list at
- Featured Expert on Marketing through Social Media teleclass at A Red Bench
- Got Interviewed on podcasts and blogs by personal development bloggers I admire
- Invited to deliver social media presentations for CTI and the ICF local chapter in 2011
- Assisted 5 coaching courses in Vancouver, facilitating learning for over 100 coaches
- Launched a local Coffee group for Coaches to support each other and grow together
- Collaborated with coach Tanya Geisler to create an online talkshoe series for coaches
- Supported and inspired tons of bloggers in the Reverb10 month long series
- Started a Mastermind group with 4 dynamic entrepreneurs going into 2011
- Found my blogging voice and expressed it loud and strong, with great feedback
- Hit a century in blog posts and over 1500 insightful, engaged comments
- Had my highest blog traffic days and ranking, and getting better by the day
- Gosh, so many more little wins that I made sure I celebrated with gusto and appreciation.
- Came back mid Jan from a 6 week holiday in New Zealand, getting closure on the past
- Got out of my comfort zone and went to local tweetups and entrepreneur meetups
- Found an inner resilience that I never knew existed, got centered, met & liked myself more
- Had a fantastic time during the Olympics, started cooking, eating better & working out
- Became the healthiest and fittest and happiest I’ve ever been so far, and more each day
- Decided my life needed shaking up & left my apartment of 2 years with no certainty of the future
- Attended a Landmark meeting and decided to do the course in 2011, thanks to friend Andrew
Sneak previews of goodies coming UP in 2011
- A revamped newsletter and email series
- More of the awesomeness that birthed in 2010
- A much needed community for inspired solopreneurs
- Courses on business growth through personal growth and social media
- Exciting collaboration with another blogger to create a special membership site
- Growth, passion, inspiration, fun, abundance, love, happiness, movement, community & more!
*I keep thinking of more so adding them in as updates in orange!
Have you done a year end review yet? Would love to hear your highlights of 2010 and what you’re particularly proud of doing, being or having 🙂 Thanks for sharing, looking forward to hearing from you! Happy T-1 day to the New Year, woohohhoo!!
Beautiful post! Congratulations on your achievements! 2011 is going to be great! So glad I’ve come accross your blog and have gotten to know you a bitin 2010!
Thanks Vinita! What about yours? Did you do this one? It’s awesome! Love that we met thru reverb10, looking forward to what the new year brings us both 🙂 xo
Thank you too! I didn’t do any prompts after the 10th..Got swamped with work which is usually not the case in December so that was a pleasant surprise. I enjoyed taking part in reverb10 and I would’ve normally given myself grief for not finishing the project, but that’s I think the beauty of the whole reverb10 process…No guilt…Wishing you a fabulous 2011 and I’ll be checking in here too! xx
No Guilt – That should be everyone’s Mantra (if I believed in Shoulds, that is 😉
Wow! And to think that you thought there might not be any accomplishments worth writing about! 🙂
The more I think about this, the more I am realizing how little achievement oriented people reflect on their own progress. I believe this is a huge issue with entrepreneurs and high achieving people in general – we have amnesia about how far we’ve come to get where we are today.
Congratulations on a super amazing year. I can’t wait to see more awesomeness happen to you and through you in 2011.
That’s cos I was relating it to one aspect of “success” and forgetting all the others. Like we tend to do when comparing ourselves with others huh.. I almost wanted to resist your point about me being a high achieving person, but I put that notion to rest. Of COURSE I’m driven and ambitious in my own way and my success has to look and feel good to me, not anyone else 🙂 Thanks for the reminder, see you in the New Year AP!
Can you say WHEW? Awesome things you have done this year! It’s a good reminder to those of us who tend to discount what we’ve done because the doings didn’t have the outcome we expected. And we also discount the inner shifts because they can’t be seen. This is definitely a list that SPARKLES! 🙂
I reckon, WHEW! Pretty damn fantastic, and I keep thinking of more – like writing that eBook in THREE days, happily being paid $150 an hour for my coaching services, huge social media growth, big decisions, clarity in the last week of 2010, kickass business collaborations, realising who my perfect clients are, laying a strong business and personal foundation and lots of levelling up to take the Big Leap in 2011. Yeehaw! How about you Ms Ande, what are yours? I know you have some, spill em!
Well, let’s see:
–Released all the negative emotion around the events that got me in a financial mess.
–Got out from under $60,000 in debt–cleared it with bankruptcy.
–Started four blogs, came to my senses and let 2 of them go.
–Learned more about WordPress, Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube than I thought there was to know.
–Made and uploaded over 50 videos to YouTube by getting over the need to look and be perfect (or rather redefining what perfect is 😉 ).
–Trained my dog Ducky to be a wonderful, responsive companion and taught her many adorable tricks. 🙂
–Forgave my husband and me for major mistakes.
–Healed a rift between me and my husband (this was BIG).
–Started Up From Splat and began getting clear about what I want to do with it.
–Delighted dozens of people with The Joyful Springer by giving them a daily smile and bit of inspiration for happy living.
–Discovered GVU and through it, YOU and many other new wonderful friends!
–Got AWESOME free coaching ;).
–Created a more open relationship with my parents.
–Created enough money coming in to pay my mortgage and bills when at the start of the year it looked like we might lose the house by March.
–Experienced BUCKETS of contrast that have helped me get more and more clear about what I want.
–Relished a gazillion raindrops, at least that many of Ducky’s tail wags, and countless days of ocean vistas and expansive ever-changing skies.
–Made awesome new friends through Facebook and Twitter.
–Coached a few writers and was able to give them more confidence to pursue their craft.
And the big one:
–Have finally begun to integrate that this is NOT an action journey we’re on but a feeling one, so I’ve reprioritized my life to put FEEL GOOD at the top of my list. 🙂
Holy AWESOMENESS!! Your year takes my breath away. #ThatIsAll
That’s one landmark achievement for every 7 working days—all year (assuming you take a few chill-out days on the weekend). Holly crap, Tia. Did somebody say “momentum”? No wonder you didn’t have any time for procrastination. I am gob-smacked. But then I’m coming to expect that from you.
Seriously? Ha! Love it, thanks for pointing that out Lach 😉 Wow, that’s cool. The best thing I did was to do what felt good and not take action that didn’t resonate. Honestly, all I did was do my thing and the rest just seemed to happen as a result. Esp in the last 3 months of 2010.
Everything in the last 2 years led up to this point though, and I really DID procrastinate a ton this year (but if you’ve read my Procrastination eBook, you know why that’s actually a good thing, or was in my case!)
I’ll add one more – redefining success in MY terms and having the courage to do it my way. That’s probably been one of the biggest growth areas for me and paved the way for what I really, truly want, not what I think I should want.
Love that we got to meet and I’m looking forward to seeing you audacisize your way into 2011, cheers mate!
Wow Tia – amazing to read everything you did/accomplished/tried/succeeded at…holy schmoly baby! Way to go!!! Loved reading the comments from everyone too and totally agree that when one gets so focused just on one area of life it’s easy to forget all of the other amazing things we do.
Love that I know you even better going into 2011
Cheers Jen! That’s something to remember in 2011 for sure – keep track of the wins! Although, it’s kinda fun to get to the end of the year and go “holy cow, was that all me!”? I know you’ve done some amazing things, and you’ll always be my hero for how you made that 1st course happen. You’re an inspiration girl! I’ll be seeing you in Calgary soon 🙂