
  1. says

    Hi Tia,

    Love your voice in this piece. Very strong! I totally agree. What does a ton of twitter followers or Facebook friends really mean? I’d rather have 50-100 folks that I connect with regularly. In fact, when I only had 100 followers, I connected with them a lot. Now, it’s hard to keep up with folks.

    And it’s all in the connection. I find it easier to visit someone’s blog once a week and develop a connection that way. They go to your site, you go to his or hers.

    I joined a civics group in my town, where we discuss issues of the day specifically to be in the presence of folks. Wherever I go in my town, I see people I know. Fun! As you say social media is not a substitution for face-to-face interaction.

    Great idea to invite folks to connect with you. Enjoy your conversations!


  2. says

    Julie, great to hear from you. We spent time talking on the phone and without that we would be just two more random strangers.

    While this may not be possible for people with thousands of “connections’, my question is – why even have that many? I’m all for simplifying and solidifying.

    Yes, blog comments are another great way to connect with people cos we can share so much more of our thoughts and personalities that way, more than a mere 160 characters ever can.

    I LOVE social media for the opportunities it gives us to meet amazing people, and it’s now up to us to make the most of them. Thanks for dropping by 🙂

  3. says

    This is exactly what I needed to read. Yes, I want people to hear my message and Yes, I want to cultivate friendship. I now know I can have both ways.
    Thank you Tia.
    You are an inspiration.


  4. says

    Linda, thank you for taking the plunge and tungle-ing me! Looking forward to speaking with you soon – my first social media experiment friend 🙂

    And YES, you can share your message AND cultivate friendships. Working past the either-or into the and-and is awesome. Thanks for the message!

  5. says

    Hey Tia
    I love this post – and I love the idea of intentional social media. In fact I just commented on my facebook page how much I love the people showing up in my facebook stream these days – such a delicious stream of people.

    I’m connecting with ‘connection’ and I am diggin’ you, girlfriend! Love it.


  6. says

    Hey Zoe, love that we’re connecting so much more these days even though we’ve “been connected” for over a year. See, this is what I mean – losing out on getting to know people by not being intentional sucks.

    I’m getting there slowly, cleaned up my twitter feed big time, now onto facebook. I’d love to skype you one day!

  7. says

    Hi! Shout out to you because we are two “Tia’s” on the 21.5.800 project! I was a social media coach and “blogsultant” for a few years and I totally agree with what you’ve written here on the number of followers. I have a personal limit of not following more than 200 (though I like to keep it at a 100) and I frequently go through my feed and unfollow those are simply too noisy and non-connective. Zero interest in seeing high numbers that are more about ego than connection. Many blessings to you in your work~ Tia

  8. says

    Tia!! You made me do a double take!! I thought I’d developed a brand new skill of sleep typing .. phew, it’s another Tia not me so MAC obsessed that I’m sleep social media-ing. LOL!

    Hey, so great to meet another Tia on the same project – this is synchrodestiny my friend. We will have to chat! I hear ya – it’s personal for everyone and yet, I’m determined to inspire people to be more intentional.

    Nothing in life lasts ling without an intention of some sort, yes? Look forward to getting to know you Ms Tia 🙂 Pleasure to see you here!

  9. says

    Man your VOICE! I love it when the personality of a writer shines through and as for this post I loved the questions you raise. Very valid questions and very practical advice. Rock on Tia. 🙂

  10. says

    Thanks Sunny! This is part of my voice getting louder & stronger this year 🙂 Looking forward to writing that post for you. Good to see you here again.


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