I bought my first ever laptop, an HP, 2 years ago.
Back then, I considered an Apple Macbook briefly but then thought the better of it cos it seemed an awfully over-priced, cute but scary contraption to me.
Twice the amount of $$ for something that does “pretty much the same thing” as a-half-the-price PC?
No thanks, suckers!
And then, 2 days ago, my HP died. I’d never gotten a virus or had any trouble (apart from the stuff that started when I dropped it!) so was planning to get another one when I decided to throw out this question on Facebook:
Which would you choose – a Mac or a PC?
If you’re a Mac user, why are you so crazy about it?
Within minutes I had a few responses, within a couple of hours, about 40 comments with conversations going back and forth (with 1 or 2 advocating a PC). I did the same on twitter and got over 30 well thought out responses in favour of Macs.
Now, I’ve just finished reading Tara Hunt’s “The Whuffie Factor” in which she talks about how Apple has built not just a company, but a tribe of dedicated, loyal, near fanatical Mac users.
Don’t worry, I’m not about to start preaching the tech / usability aspects of MacBooks here (I’ll save you that spiel).
Instead, I really want to highlight the experience that I had and what I got from it, so we can see the power of a unique offering & strategy in creating a strong community & business success.
It was a great lesson in seeing first hand the level of engagement, interest and sheer passion for a company unlike any other.
Here’s what I realised.
1) Social Media is powerful and fast!
I always knew that but holy cow! Within a couple of hours I had real information, right down from what people loved about their Macs to what software to get (iworks) and what I could do without (MSOffice for Macs), how long the battery lasts, to whether I needed one-on-one lessons (no).
If I’d tried googling this information it would’ve taken me way longer and I still would not have gotten the amount of feedback, information and help that my Facebook and Twitter friends gave me instantly.
Plus, I TRUST these people and their opinions cos I’ve intentionally surrounded myself with them.
Q Tip: Are you using social media intentionally? Do you trust the people you’re connecting with?
2) Create an offering – service or product – that inspires fierce loyalty & passion
If you’re a Mac user, you know this already. If not, here’s what I mean (comments on my facebook query):
“Mac Mac Mac!! I got my first one two years ago & will NEVER go back to a PC!” – Laura
“Mac all the way-no question. Nuff said :)” – Garry
“I think you’re working with creative entrepreneurs and leaders? Most use the Mac :)” – Shane
“No one has ever earnestly turned to a fellow human being and said, “Hey, have you considered Windows?” Not in the real world at any rate.” – Cole
Q Tip: What’s something you can create that is compelling to your clients / readers/ buyers?
3) Engage your tribe such that THEY do the marketing for you
By the time I walked into a Mac store, I knew exactly what model I was going to get and what extra S/W I needed, so didn’t require any hand holding. In and out, easiest buyer experience ever (er.. apart from the hard pitch on a 3 year guarantee which wasn’t from Apple but the store person.)
As you can see from all of the above, Apple’s really got their backs covered.
Another great example of this is Jeannette Maw, the GoodVibeCoach. She’s attracted a group of people (including me) who love and adore anything she creates cos she inspires us, has unique products and services, gives her time and attention generously and shares her wealth.
Q Tip: What can you do to inspire and engage your “tribe” today?
To conclude, this experience was really fun and enlightening and I came away with some great insights.
Oh and a brand new 13.3 inch MacBook Pro, the sexiest, sleekest, silveriest, most gorgeous machine ever.
Ladies & gentlemen, boys & girls, behold the latest convert to the tribe of “once you go Mac, you never go back”.
Head over HEELS, madly in love with Mr Maccu Singh (go ahead, giggle, that’s his name & I’m sticking with it 😉
Thank you my friends, Facebook, Twitter, MasterCard and Apple for your help.
(In an upcoming post I’m going to talk about how a little book on Feng Shui made this happen, and how it’s changing my life all around. Stay tuned.)
Curious: Is there a brand, person, product or service that you can’t stop talking about or promoting passionately? What do you love about it / them?
Like what you read? Tweet it below, share it on Facebook by hitting the “Like” button, leave a comment, join the Facebook page and Sign up for the Your Life YOUR Way ezine!
Congrats on your new Mac Tia!
One word of advise – I would definitely go for the Apple Care warranty (extends the warranty from one to three years). I’m not a big fan of extended warranties in general, but this one’s worth it. Case in point, I had a MacBook Pro that was almost three years old that was causing me some grief…and, long story short, Apple replaced it with a brand new one under Apple Care.
You don’t need to buy Apple Care right away. You have up to one year from the date of your purchase.
I am SO glad to hear that, Tim. Almost didn’t get it but they gave me a great deal ($150 for 3 years) so I went for it. Didn’t know they give you a year to get it? How neat is that!
My only concern is that my eyes will start looking like little apples, giving new meaning to the term “Apple of my eye”. LOL!
Thanks for sharing in my excitement 🙂 How’s that I-Pad doing?
Hey Tia,
congrats to being a newly baptised mac-convert ^^ – my ‘conversion’ started with the iPhone and it will not stop there (I feel). I’ve heard pretty much the same things you came to hear about the mac: ‘once you went Mac, you never go back’ – and I <3<3<3'ed using one on a former job of mine! Have fun with Mr. Maccu ^^
ps.: Don't worry about your reply to the email – take your time to enjoy your sexy and sleek new Apple!
Thanks Erik 😀 The only thing I have to say is – once you go for it, you’ll wonder why you didn’t do it sooner. So .. hint, hint!
Maccu Singh says hi.
Great that you got the Apple Care, Tia…and $150 sounds like a good price. You can technically buy it any time in the first year, but if you miss the anniversary you’re out of luck (not that you and Mr. Maccu Singh are likely to forget your anniversary ;).
I’m really enjoying my iPad. It’s an amazing little device and I continue to find more uses for it daily (e.g. I use it when teaching yoga…allowing me to leave my heavy books and binders at home)…and it’s amazing for reading books, watching videos, etc.
That’s right, Monday the 24th day of May, 2010, is the day me and my true love found each other (oh wait, my 1st true love is Nutella, we’ve recently had our 12th anniversary!). Can I have TWO true loves? Of course I can!
Nice! I’m going to resist, I have all that I need (for now). Got a friend who’s really HANKERING after an iPad, soon I won’t hear the end of it – hits Canadian shores in a couple of days right?
Go #Apple! #Love #Love #Love & #Appreciation.
And with only the smallest of glitches in your getting used to things..:)
Do yourself a favour and install 3 things on your new mac. Quicksilver, TextExpander ad JiTouch.
You’ll wonder how you ever lived without them shortly.
Quicksilver is a keyboard launcher that allows you to perform nearly any task on your computer with simple keyboard commands. TextExpander is an app for Typing shortcuts. For example I write my email address out a million times a day…Instead of typing the whole thing out i know type three letters “kem” and it’s instantly replaced with the full address.
JiTouch allows you to add in extra touchpad commands, system wide and per app. So 2,3 and 4 finger swipes to accomplish all sorts of tasks.
Make the computer do what it’s good at, the heavy lifting.
Just no spreading Nutella on your new MBP – I’m pretty sure that’s not covered by Apple Care ;).
The iPad will be available in the Great White North starting tomorrow – looks like supplies will be limited at first…so your friend might want to consider getting to the Apple Store early.
Kerry, I wldn’t even call that a glitch – it’s like exploring Paris or New Zealand – treasures to be found every step of the way. Fun, fun, fun! Thanks for the tips, will do. This is almost the best part of owning a Mac – the invaluable advice and help one gets from fellow users. Bloody fantastic!
Tim .. I’m not cruel enough to let my two loves know about each other. So they’ll never find out .. shhhh!
Dear Mr. Maccu Singh
Welcome Welcome WELCOME to this life of loving, cherishing and adoration!
(MacBook Pro)
YAY!!! We’re now tribal sisters x another…GO MAC!! (…I’d never go back)
Welcome to the MacHood!
Love this new Techie Tia Sparkles flair, by the way. It looks GOOD on you!!
XO BIG LOVE!!! Debra (@DebSoul) 🙂
Lucy, will you be my gf? Love, Maccu Singh.
Anna, how’s about a playdate for the two? I’m such a proud mommy!
Debs, I’m a non techie techie at heart 🙂 Can’t believe it took me this long to go Mac. If all changes were this good I’d do way more of them. Wait.. they are, they always are. New avatar is gorgeous btw.
Well said Tia! Too many people push and struggle with their marketing. Building and engaging a tribe is so much more effective. And FUN!
Thanks for the great post!
Thanks for stopping by Paul. Yes, it’s definitely a mindset shift and I’m happy to see that it’s growing in influence.
The #1 rule around these webpages is – It’s Got To Be Fun!
I was really hoping to hear about other products, services or people that are doing a great job of it like Apple and Jeannette but so far no one has mentioned any.
Come on people, share the wealth 🙂 Who else in your circle of friends, friends of friends, social media hubs, work, etc embodies this culture?
Is your query about those living a Mac life, or those dedicated to other great somethings?
If it’s about Mac life, check out recent artwork of Thomas Ziorjen:
If it’s something else that rises to the top in excellence:
Community, 1/2 hour comedy on NBC (though Lucy downloads & shows it to me so I don’t have to suffer through commercials. She has much to share with Maccu…)
Looking forward to your survey results –
P.S. from Lucy:
Maccu… yes. I’ll be your gf. I just might be able to show you a thing or two…
It was about other great things. And Lucy, you’re fresh!! Take it easy on my little man will ya! LOL 😉