Just heard about an inventive (and brilliant!) idea from a friend for how to “do” New Year Intentions so of course I’m running right over to share it with you.
This year, instead of (or along with, if that feels better) the usual goals you tend to set by default every year – and break by March – what if you set themes for each month?
Why New Year resolutions usually fail is because you pick too many things to do and change, without any thought as to how you’re going to stick to them.
Or because you don’t have a good enough compelling reason to change, lack a plan or passion for something different. Or a few more reasons.
Which is where Leo’s post on how to stick to your new year resolution comes in real handy as he suggests picking 6 goals / habits for the year and breaking them down into baby action steps to help you really ingrain each one.
This ties in nicely with picking a theme for a month and then playing with it very intentionally for 30 days. For example, I picked LOVE for January and all this month I’m going to act as if and create an alternate reality.
Now the love I’m talking about means romantic love AND I also know it all starts with self love so I’ll start by loving myself, getting massages, whispering sweet nothings to myself, writing love notes.
(If you picked love you could cook a decadent meal for two, play some soft music and act as if you were having an intimate dinner with your lover or whatever is it YOU’D want in a relationship – get the picture?)
The idea is to say, do and be the happy, in love person you think you’ll be when you do meet someone.
I believe 30 days of giving yourself to the theme of the month is enough to get your thoughts, habits and energy in alignment with your heart’s desire.
This is a GREAT way to stay focused on what you want without trying to manifest 100 other things at the same time, then freaking out and wondering why nothing’s happening.
Other themes I’m playing with (months to be decided):
- Fitness
- Writing
- Time-Out / Self Indulgence
- Connecting with friends
- Nature
- Daily Adventures – something new each day!
- What would YOU pick?
Oh and while you’re at it, how about writing a letter to yourself from the future on Dec 31, 2010 talking about all the things that happened this year and how wonderfully your desires came to fruition? Then tuck it away in a nice safe place and re-open it at the end of the year!
(If you’re like me, you’ll probably read it every month or so. Either ways, you’re doing it right!)
I’m off to write mine now and if you’re very good, I might share it here 😉
Would love to hear how YOU set intentions / resolutions/ goals for the coming year and what processes and resources you’re using to help manifest them. Care to share yours?
Oh and HAPPY NEW YEAR 2010!!
I’m speaking from the future and the water’s great so come on in!
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Ooh, loving the idea of them – also known as The ME (tee hee!)
So far I have a theme for 2010 – crystal clarity – but haven’t yet thought about a theme for each month. Maybe I’ll make January about Crystal Clarity and fit in lots more themes – woohoo!
Thanks for the great idea 😀
Ack – that’s what I get for rushing. I meant, love the idea of THEME (‘them’ was a freudian slip but no idea what it means…)
More champagne please…
I LOVE The-Me!! You are so creative my friend 🙂 Crystal clarity leads the way, you picked a real winner for month 1. You could also have a theme for the entire year and then do others for each month. Why not have it ALL. Thanks for popping by!
This is great Tia, about to write a post on mine
theme is Living Large
word is freedom and now you have me thinking about months-
I like Love and have been doing lots of work on that too, makes such a diference to happiness and abundance
Happy New year
Hey Suzie! I like how Living Large can apply to the whole year AND anything you choose to enhance 🙂 If you chose happiness, you could start each day focusing on what makes you happy, doing one thing a day that adds to it etc. Same for abundance! Great way to make happiness, love, abundance, freedom etc habits. Appreciate you sharing, thanks!
Dearest TIA the Happiest of New Year to you and all your readers from me.
I love the idea of themes I think its brilliant and I will be sharing that idea with my friends. Last week as i have done for the last four years myself and my best friend sat down and worked on our visions boards. I have worked my goals also for the next year. I am really looking forward to this magnificent year of 2010. I call it the year to be inspired and energy.
I have 4 weeks left of my holidays so for the January i really like to focus on my spiritual path. I am learning about the Mayan Calender, keeping a dream journal and meditating and connecting more with mother earth.
I read somewhere about keeping Mood Boards I am wondering how this could tie in with the theme. See inspiration already has started
May your cup overflow with love all the month of January and beyond.
Bright Blessings
PS; thanks for being such a source of light and inspiration to me.
Happy New Year Silvana! The year of energy and inspiration sounds about right. Did you know it’s the Year of the Tiger in Chinese astrology and also a year of huge financial abundance? Rock on! One of the things I’m grateful for is you – your energy, contribution and presence here. Thank you so much for being so engaged and sharing so freely.
ps: 4 weeks LEFT of your hols? You speak my language! What do you do for work? Whatever it is, kudos on taking time out. Would love to hear more about the Mayan calendar and what you learn from it.
Thanks again! My cup floweth with love 🙂
Laaaaaaahve this! I was thinking about picking only four intentions and just doing a daily rundown of each one (like creating letters about what I want and rereading them every day), but this idea seems like so much fun. 2010 feels very dynamic to me…I grew SO much personally in 2009 and I feel like 2010 is the time to go out there and really kick some arse using it!
I’m definitely on for this monthly thing. I plan on getting a VERY large journal and dedicating a section for each month. Writing and listening to Abe materials always brings it home for me, so I’m planning on some great experiences this month.
Thanks for all this great energy! <3
Same here! I feel like 2009 was a huge growth year and opened up many new windows of opportunities. Now 2010 is all about making the most of those gifts that 09 brought us. Thanks for inspiring my 1st ezine for 2010 btw, yep your words inspired it 😀 Love the journal idea, think I’ll do the same. Wow, sooo excited about amping up 09’s vibe in ’10 woohooo!
I feel so special now! I’d love to read it! Between this blog and pray rain journaling, I think I’ve got all I need for 2010 already, and it’s only the second day.
By the way, I picked self-love for my topic in January. What a better way to bring in the year (and celebrate my birthday) than with a HUGE heaping of love from the most important lover i’ll ever have…myself!
Can’t beat self love 🙂 that’s what mine is turning into as well, as I knew it would. Gotta start somewhere! Will send you a copy of the ezine via email xo
ps: thanks for the highest compliment on the blog!
Update TIA Hi I hope you are doing well- my month of spiritual journey theme started for January and its going really well. My visual board is also going well i am enjoying not just writting about it but also having pictures that describe my emotions.
I am a Community Development worker btw I am hoping that my personal development work can influence possitive change and help me make a difference in communities and within my family and friends.
As for the Mayan calender when i can make an educated comment about it I will 🙂
Shine on!
Bright Blessings
Thanks for the update Silvana. That sounds just awesome! Can I just say, you’re ALREADY making a positive difference in people’s lives just by sharing your thoughts and experiences with us here. Thanks for that.
My theme is going great guns too and I am feeling more alive and vibrantly in love than all of last year already! Wow, what a powerful concept, so glad I found it 😀