Words have a lot of power. You know that.
Feelings, even more so.
Combine the two with a healthy mix of goodness and you’ve got a recipe for turning your dreams into reality.
You decide what you want, then you act as if, intend, visualise, journal, write scripts for your new reality, align with it etc.
It’s close, so close and you’re feeling really great about it. You just KNOW it’s happening right now and you’re enjoying the ride, practicing infinite patience.
Then, you wake up one morning and ask “Where is it? Why hasn’t it happened yet? Hmm.. that house better sell soon…. why isn’t my soulmate here yet…. what if I lose this job… why aren’t my perfect clients here yet…”
One little thought.
That’s all it was. You quickly try to recover and go back to believing, but a little seed has been planted.
Shortly after, it happens again. Now you’re starting to get upset and before you know it, you’re sinking fast into “it’s never gonna happen, might as well give up but please, please Universe let it happen, I know it will happen, but please can you make it happen now, I’m tired of waiting”!
You’ve skidded out of alignment with your desire by letting fear creep in.
That’s how it goes. If you haven’t gotten too out of alignment, you quickly steer back into feeling and acting as if what you want has already happened. You’re back on track!
Sometimes all it takes is a little tweak to let go of any resistance that may be blocking your manifestations.
When you sense an attachment or sabotage coming up, you can change it around by feeling through the fear, changing your words, doing something that makes you feel good and upping your vibe.
And at other times, it’s getting into that vibe that trips you up. That’s when you start wondering how to re-create it, how to get back into it, what techniques to use etc.
Recently, I’ve been manifesting a trip to New Zealand.
I did all the ‘right’ things – set my intention, acted as if (sorting clothes to take along, cancelling cable, writing rent check in advance etc), declined party invites, bought my ticket, applied for a visitor visa.
All was good till I realised I was cutting it fine.
A little panic set in wondering if I’d get my passport back in time. As that thought set in, delays started happening. My thoughts spiraled down until I was gripped with fear that I’d have to cancel my trip.
With less than 10 days to go till my flight left, I knew I had to do something, and fast if I wanted to be on it!
So I put my emergency plan into action (which I came up with right after I decided I needed one!).
- First, I sat down and asked “what do I really want”, no really, really want. I want the trip to happen, yes, but more than that, I want peace. Whether I go or not.
So I think peaceful thoughts, tweet and write down “I invite peace”, feel it in my body, listen to meditation music for an hour, and ask the Universe for help.
Within minutes, I am directed to a blog post about peace, someone tags me in a gratitude video about peace, and I find a Byron Katie video on ending suffering and becoming peaceful. Nicely played, Universe!
I do The Work to stop out of control thoughts. Ooooooh, this feels good!
- With spirits lifted, I look around for the next Inspired Action step.
Which leads to me writing an email to myself saying “Dear Tia, Your visa has been approved and will be with you by Friday” (this step is all about doing whatever you feel drawn to do).
- This makes me smile. Score! Feeling better already. What shall I do next?
A walk, you say? Ok. Straight to the bookstore to buy a few books and on the way home, I send love to the world around me, practically skipping for joy in the rain.
- I send love and gratitude to the visa officers.
Pure, unconditional thanks and appreciation for all the work they are doing, for their well being. Different from “thank you for giving me my visa”. I ask for nothing. This makes me feel so blissful, I could float in the sky like Balloon Boy!
I get home, turn on my computer and find an email saying “Hello Tia, I am pleased to let you know that your visa has been approved and we have mailed it to you today. You should receive it in the mail by Friday”.
I smile. I’m not jumping out of my chair as I thought I would cos I am already where I want to be – in the land of peace and joy. The turnaround in my feelings and this event has happened in the space of 2 hours!
With a thanks to the Universe and blurry eyes, I sense the power of my new EMT in ceasing suffering, turning any situation around and changing my vibe.
Many of us are VERY good at feeling now as we would feel then and are excellent manifestors. Still, there are times when doubt or fear creep in and nothing seems to work.
The next time you get caught up in the story and can’t get to your “feel good”, pre-pave your way into that feeling by focusing on what you need right in this moment.
Which = Peace or something like that. Watch how your feel good just FLOWS naturally from there 🙂
Btw, this technique also works when you don’t know how you would feel then ie, can’t imagine how it would feel like to sell your house, get married, achieve your particular dream, or when it seems too distant.
Ask for what will make you happiest in the moment.
It was peace for me, it could be something different for you. I’m betting peace will resonate with many of you though. Cos even if you can’t imagine what it would feel like to get what you want, you DO know what peace feels like. Right?
It feels like a calm, happy acceptance that all is well in this moment.
What I learned from this:
1) Act and feel now as you would feel then
2) Let go of the outcome
3) When you can’t let go cos it’s so important to you or coming down to crunch time, go for peace!
4) If you’ve gotten out of alignment with your desire or let doubt creep in, it’s a hard sell to get back on that horse. So make your way back there one step at a time.
Oh and posts for the next 1.5 months will be coming to you from the warm Southern Hemisphere. Woohoo!
I would love to hear if you’ve had a similar experience AND to know what your emergency manifesting technique is. How do you stay aligned in the face of “deadlines” or time pressures? Thanks in advance for sharing!
This is divine, Miss Tia. Thank you so much for the amazing reminder about keeping it SIMPLE and easy. I especially love the reminder that I don’t even have to really know what the thing I want will feel like. I just need to feel a bit better. Magic.
You are going to have THE BEST TIME in NZ – that is SO COOL! Hm, must make the hop across the pond myself one of these days, LOL – when I do, I’m getting my travel advice from you!
Well we get so hung up on feeling good that we forget about feeling peaceful.
I reckon that’s a cornerstone. The STUFF that flows from peace, goodness me!!
One better feeling at a time as Abe says, and for an instant ‘fix’, go for peace, the feeling that sets the base for everything else. How did I ever miss that?
Indeed, travelling and I love each other, it’s manna for my soul. Maybe you could hop over for a #tweetup kiwi style? 😉
New Zealand!!! YAY YOU!! 🙂
Great reminder post…
My favorite part? That Peace is a wonderful go-to feeling in the moment. It sure is!
I love your description, “a calm, happy acceptance that all is well in this moment”.
YES, it is!
Love you!! …and so looking forward to your southern hemi posts & tweets! XO
YAY me!!! YAY indeed!! 😀 Wouldn’t it be cool if I won lotto so I could take you all along :D? I’m loving this new discovery that PEACE is where I want to go first, and once there, joy HAS to tag along. Holy new manifestation technique! Thanks for your cheery sunshine this morning. Love you right back xo
Tia, timely for me. I have to leave the country I am in as my visa expires in 48hours. I want to go to my husband but my visa not yet in! I need it in the next 24hours. I now invite peace, all is well right now, breaaaaathieeee. Thank you but sleep is out of the question. Help me universe.
Thanks Tia! That was PERFECT timing for me!
Looking forward to your posts from NZ too!
Thanks for dropping by, Ailey! Would love to hear what you’re creating in your life these days. Don’t you love how the Universe always brings you what you need, when you need it with perfect timing? 🙂
Love this post!! As usual, Tia…you’re life is an inspiration to us all.
Thanks for the great reminder about EMT manifesting. I’m definitely going to try it out next time I feel doubt or fear creeping in!
If thinking doesn’t do the trick for me, I find that talking to my cats and/or dancing forces a smile no matter what! From that smiling place, I can more easily find the good parts of whatever “bad” or “frustrating” situation was bringin in the doubt & fear. I did this the other day & the guy I thought disappeared e-mailed me out of the blue!
Sure, my cats think I’m a looney-toon…but I feel great!
Leslie, yep, dancing sure works for me too. Another awesome EMT – jumping on a trampoline! Except, I don’t have one. When I move into my intended home, that’s the first thing I’m gonna buy 😀 Oh and I so want a cat to own me someday.
I’d say thinking comes at the bottom of the list of ‘things that make me go smile’ – the good thoughts HAVE to come after we’ve raised our energy and vibe through other methods.
I’ve now started doing something I used to as a teen – playing music every night before I sleep and as SOON as I get up. So good! SO good!
Congrats on your NZ trip, Tia. Have a blast. It will be so fun to read your posts while you are there.
BOY, did your post hit home today. Yesterday I had the epiphany that I have not been feeling the same about selling our rental house as I did a couple years ago when we sold a different one. I told my husband that all I wanted for my birthday was this house sold for about two months straight. Every day during that time I felt, REALLY FELT, the relief and joy as if it happened. Then around six pm on my birthday my husband apologized for the house not selling and not getting me a present. I told him that the day wasn’t over until midnight. Around 9:00 pm the buyer called, and when that phone rang I new I got my birthday present.
Now, back to yesterday, I realized that all I want for Christmas is our house to sell. And I am slowly feeling that amazing vibrating in my heart and belly as I did with our other house. And what a great Christmas present for the buyer, they get our house with its faboulous Lake Superior view and hot tub under the Northern Lights. How much more Merry can you get?
Your post is a great reminder to get back to what it will feel like, or what you need to feel right now. And I agree, for many it will be to feel peace.
Have a wonderful trip, and know that you have a fan who can’t wait to hear how much fun you are having way down under.
Great awareness and turn around, Berta! Your story gave me goosebumps 😮 wow, that’s some manifesting mojo you got going on there. So cool that you recognised that subtle difference in feelings with selling these 2 houses and congrats on selling the new one when you want 🙂 Thanks for posting, happy last day of the second last month of 2009 and see you on the flip side in December!
Good job, girlfriend!! Not just on the emergency manifesting, but on another great post sharing your brilliant self with the rest of us. 🙂
The pleasure is all mine Miss J, especially to have you around. Have I told you lately that I love you? I do xoxo
Love this!
Thank you for sharing your experiences. I’ll be posting this on my fan page and twitter. I always apprecaite what I gain from you!
And then, I’ll get back to you… I have to go focus on some emergency manifesting. 🙂
Sending joy your way!
Thank you Anne, I appreciate you spreading link love 🙂 Looking forward to your experience with this technique, please do let me know how it worked for you (and if you have anything else that works!) Cheers!
What I want to know is what you would have done had the Visa not been approved. After all the trusting and believing. After using the emergency techniques. That’s my life so far.