Don’t have much to say today except that I did a few things recently that I’m well proud of..
- Taking the time to express real gratitude and appreciation for the blessings in my life
- Facing a couple of huge fears
- Asking a stranger to record me talking on video
- Actually speaking on camera
- Putting it out there for the world to see .. yikes!
I was going to do it way back in Feb 2009 for the Hurricane of Gratitude group started by Alex Karis and it’s no surprise it took me 9 months to get here (many big changes / events seem to happen in my life 9 months after the first sign) the birth of creativity and courage, lol!
When was the last time YOU were truly, really grateful and appreciative of how GREAT you have it? What are you really proud of here and now?
If it’s been a while, stop right now and think about all that’s awesome in your life, gives you pleasure, joy and happiness.
From your body to your spirit, nature, family, warm home, food to eat, winter sports, your favourite cookies, you’ve got a lot more going for you than you may realise.
Especially in the middle of a “tough break”, when you feel like everything’s going wrong and you’re overwhelmed, stop and breathe.. And think about the wonderful experiences you’ve had so far and all that you’ve accomplished.
Dream about the changes you want, the life you want to live. And as you do, be grateful for all that you have right now.
The simple act of gratitude /appreciation will bring more of that to you.
I’ve been on a smiling high ever since I did this video. Even if you don’t want to make your own video, go ahead and use the gratitude muscle today!
I’d love you to share what you’re grateful for and proud of in the comments below. And if you make a video, PLEASE come back and post a link!!
And while we’re on the topic of gratitude, I’m grateful to have had the opportunity to talk about about facing your fears, courage, happiness, discovering your passion, making FUN a part of daily life, taking Inspired Action and much, much more in this interview I did for the Spiritual Explorer show recently.
It was a right BLAST and we laugh and giggle a lot as we share some real life experiences of gutsy people following their dreams.
Would love to know what you think of it! Have a great weekend 🙂
You know, I once participated in Landmark Education, and we talked about s-t-r-e-t-c-h-i-n-g ourselves and creating bigger and bigger games to play. This is a great example. When we play games that are much bigger than we’re used to…just blow right into asking a stranger to video you and talking on camera…that has a cascading effect in the brain. Lots of childhood fears or limitations can start to crumble a bit!
I’m glad you did this, because it reminds me of what I learned back then and how I need to take it on again!!
great job!
Yeah Michael, fear is false evidence appearing real, the result of attachment to an outcome and the meaning we associate to events. With each fear I overcome, I wonder why I didn’t do it sooner! It’s been an interesting few weeks around here. Thanks for dropping by!
I don’t have anything of value to add, but wanted to say thank you for sharing! You look great in your video . . . and it is awesome that you blew right past that fear of being on camera! You rock!
That was value right there – that sweet appreciation 🙂 Thanks Carol, glad you took a minute to write. Look at you and how beautifully you’re engaging with people. YOU rock! Thank you!
Congrats – you’re a natural.
It’s like the Wizard of Oz … it was inside you the whole time.
The beauty of an attitude of gratitude is that it helps us keep our balance and perspective and inspires us forward. A little appreciation goes a long way, even if it’s just appreciating the fact we do the right thing or stand strong when tested.
Thanks JD. You’re so right – It’s always inside us all the time. Shocking how little we make use of the powers we have then, hey. My mom says “attitude of gratitude” all the time so when I hear those words now I always think of her. Maybe that’s what she intended, lol. Appreciate you watching the vid, thanks!
ps: nice work on your website!
I am grateful to have met you, you reminded me of how good it feels to express gratitude, you really rocked my Monday night 🙂
Thanks Andrea 🙂 I’m grateful for twitter cos that’s where we met too! Looking forward to more connections xo
Good for you! Facing fears.. yes I love that acronym as well, (False Evidence Appearing Real). I’m grateful for life. I’m grateful today I realize gratitude is an action. I’m grateful for you having the courage to do something you feared like making a video, and even having a stranger record it! How awesome is that! You never know what connections we may make when we open ourselves up to be “a part of” as opposed to “a part from.”
Ok, I’m rambling on but this reminded me of something, I used to refer to myself as “shy.” Not wanting to put myself out there. Basically insecure… although I put on a good facade. But as I learned more about myself through a recovery process, I learned it’s just a form of self-centerdness. I’m making everything about me. It’s not all about me.
I view gratitude as one of the most important emotions and actions there are. I write about gratitude often. One of my favorite exercises is writing a gratitude list. No matter how bad I’m feeling, I can get out a piece of paper and write down things I’m grateful for.
“I try to hold fast to the truth that a full and thankful heart cannot entertain great conceits. When brimming with gratitude, one’s heartbeat must surely result in outgoing love, the finest emotion that we can ever know.”
-Bill Wilson
“Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.”
-Melody Beattie
OK, right now I’m grateful I have a job… so I’d better get back to work.
Jared, this really stood out `I learned it’s just a form of self-centerdness. I’m making everything about me. It’s not all about me.`
It`s not about me. It`s not about me. It`s not about me. It`s not about me. I am going to post it on my wall.
And this is so timely cos there is something I have been worrying about (being approved for an NZ visa on time so I can go on a visit) and right here, right now I am going to let it go and focus on the gifts I have in my life.
I am grateful for the friends I love back in NZ and all over the world, and for the means to visit them. I am grateful that even if I don`t go, I will have other opportunities to visit them. I am grateful that I can be in touch with them all thanks to technology.
I am grateful for how everything ALWAYS turns out right for me even if I can`t see the gifts in the moment. I am grateful that my higher self and angels and guides are always with me, to hold me, love me and support me. I am grateful for all my life experiences that have brought me where I am today and for all the experiences yet to come.
Gosh I feel so much better! Thanks for giving me this gift. Thank you for sharing your journey and when can we expect to see a video from you 😉 Much love! Tia