So I was hanging out in twitterverse when I came across this quick post by Jeannette Maw and I went YEAH! That is SO not me either.
Granted it’s a story we’ve heard all too often – fight for what you want, never give up, good things come to those who persist, you’ve got to work hard, nothing comes without a struggle etc etc.
Ugh. I can feel my body react to these words in a way that just puts me off doing anything at all.
I’m not kidding when I say I’m addicted to EASY.
Doing easy, letting things flow is FUN. And effective!
If you’re anything like me, you like to manifest and attract the things you want rather than swimming upstream (ie, working hard).
When you’re out having fun and doing what feels good, that’s when magic happens.
So let go of the notion that getting what you want has to be hard work. It doesn’t.
What are you making harder than it needs to be? How can you make it easier and more effortless than it is right now?
Let it go perhaps … or look at it from another perspective?
What would Winnie the Pooh tell you to do?
My Winnie might say, “Where’s the honey?” lol
Great post, Tia!
True, and the honey is in what makes us happy 🙂 Thanks for making me smile Jeannette!
I JUST went and took my own advice.. I’d been struggling for days to fix my RSS feed signup link (to the right .. where you sign up to get blog posts delivered to your google reader etc) and nothing was working.
There I was .. tweeting for people to help, looking at trouble shooting forums, reading all sorts of ways to ping and resync and other tech geeky sounding stuff that I couldn’t wrap my head around.
And then I asked what would Winnie say? “Go check the chicklet and html code again, I bet it’s something so simple you wouldn’t have thought of it” is what I heard.
Boy do I feel like like a dorkus now! It was AS easy as copying the html code again and re-pasting it :O
I’m laughing at the last week of being ‘stuck’ now and thinking ~
I LOVE EASY tooooooooo! : )
And I want an EASY button!
Of course we all have an EASY button don’t we?
It’s called the LAW OF ATTRACTION and when we drop the oars — it’s ALL downstream! : )
Doesn’t get easier than that! : )
Thanks for the reminder! : )
Stephanie Bell the SpiritCoach
LOL Stephanie, could you POSSIBLY sparkle any more than you do!? Love how easy it comes to and from you 🙂 Thanks for spreading the spirit sparkles xo
My “problem” isn’t that I think I have to “work hard” for what I want or “fight” for what I deserve or “persist” to get to the good stuff, my “challenge” is surrounding myself with people who believe it can be easy too, or influencing and teaching those who tell the old story that it can be easier.
It zaps me when I do my manifesting map, know what I want, get in alignment with it emotionally, go have a cup of coffee and dance to loud music or write a blog post or take a bubble bath and then talk to someone on the phone who tells me “if I just keep working hard at it, and persist, and fight for what’s right, it’ll all come.”
D’oh! I haven’t yet mastered being unaffected by others’ energy. Have you? If so…maybe you’ll rub off on me. 🙂
Oh I so get that Dana! It used to get to me too. I found that the more I practiced “easy”, the easier it got to surround myself with people of a similar vibration (like Jeannette and a few other friends).
In fact, even my parents have brought their vibration to a higher level (and there have been MANY challenges in our path) so I feel supported by similar thinking people.
I’ve actually gotten so good at it that when I run into contrasting energies, I just let ’em wash over me.
It helps that I’ve always been a big daydreamer and used to being in my own little world of make believe so I can tune others out easily when it’s not something I want to be a part of. Hehe.
Thanks so much for sharing your experience with energy and manifesting! It’s going to be fun around here and I’m looking fwd to sharing all our energies and learning from each other … woohoo! 🙂
Dana, I have a 19-year-old niece (whom I completely adore) who often says, “Oh, Ann you KNOW you are the only one who believes that hippie stuff” to much of what I say about shifting my energy or allowing the trees to help me or how it can be effortless.
She has been great for me in that way because I just giggle and get on with doing it effortlessly.
Teenage judgment can be quite harsh and as Tia said, I allow it to wash over me, while remaining firmly rooted in the reality I love. It’s a bit of a fun game actually!
Hi Ann,
Yes, hippie stuff! 🙂 Thank you for sharing that with me. Teenagers are quite harsh; remember high school? I’ll have to practice your game. I tend to mentally think, “I’m not listening to you…lalalalalalalala…”
Tia, daydreaming can come in handy…I should channel that during those times. I am an excellent daydreamer.
It’s easy to surround myself with similarly vibrating people except for those relationships where there isn’t much choice, like family or like when you have a day job full of contrasting personalities.
I like when you said “practice easy” because that’s exactly what the U likes, rather than being hard on ourselves when we let anything affect us that we “know we shouldn’t.”
‘Hippie Stuff” Thought that term went out with the 1900’s! Teenagers!! Lol … ps: that would SO have been me too, in my teens 😉 Gotta love ’em. Good on you for using that as more fodder for your LOA engine, Ann, that’s just awesome.
Dana, when it comes to those ‘have-to’ relationships, having a filter (only hear what you want to hear) can be a good thing. True, we can’t choose certain relationships but we can choose how we respond to triggers and circumstances. That could well be the biggest test of all. Think of all that amazing practice!
Thanks for sharing ladies, love it.
Awww, how I LOVE easy!!! I have to constantly remind myself to float and release. Why is it sometimes so hard to just float, just be happy, just be present, just let it be easy….??? Some days I think/wonder/feel that I am addicted to the struggle. I keep reminders around to bring me back to an easy place. Some of my “people” think I’m a little bonkers too, but oh well…I’m finding what works for me. I think I’ll just sit here and hold my gratitude rock for a few minutes and think about how easy my life is. :o)
Thauna, thanks for asking such a great question!! One that we ALL feel at times no doubt!
I think we’ve all been addicted to struggle at some point.. esp when we get attached to outcomes, results and having it a certain way.
When I remember to focus on what I’m manifesting and trust that it’s all happening perfectly, i’m floating in that happy world of possibilities. But when I start asking why it isn’t here yet, or thinking about the next step if I didn’t get what I wanted, those thoughts create an inconsistency with the moment and lead to struggle.
Kudos to you for doing it your way and knowing what you need to do to bring yourself back to easy! Never mind the people who call us bonkers and hippies lol, as long as it’s working right ;)?
I think whether things are easy or not depends on how you define easy. I have just finished researching how to be in ‘flow’ most of the time.
Flow is the state where there is a sense of deep enjoyment in the moment and time seems to alter (stands still or passes in an instant).
What I found out is that flow happens when: a) the skills required by the task and the skills of the person doing it are almost evenly matched (if the task is too hard it leads to frustration, and if too easy it leads to boredom); b) the person doing the task is doing it willingly; and c) the task provides some sort of feedback as to how well they are doing it.
Flow increases when the task is inherently enjoyable and there is a sense of connection with others involved.
So a task feels easy and effortless when the person doing it is in flow, but it may not actually be easy (otherwise boredom would set in.) My most amazing instance of flow happened over three hours cleaning the gutters on a bitterly cold December day.
I actually chose this as the activity that would bring me most joy in that moment, even though at the time I had chronic pain and was not very mobile so climbing up and down the step-ladder was an effort, and I had to constantly focus to retain my balance when at the top of the ladder.
This job which would likely have been boring to anyone else was challenging for me, but not so much that I became anxious. It definitely was not easy. However, the time flew by, and I felt at ease, deeply happy and fulfilled by what I was doing.
Part of the ease of flow comes from not resisting the demands of the activity.
Many people think of easy as being able to do something with one hand tied behind their back (this actually could lead to flow if it made the job sufficiently challenging), and resist when they find they either have to concentrate and put some type of effort into something they are told is easy, or are bored out of their tree because it really is too easy.
But if they were aware that they could only feel ease if the job presented enough of a challenge to engage their skills, then they might find ways to either make the job either more challenging or easier to match their skill level.
I think I may have lost my own thread here (equivalent to losing my marbles) but what I’m trying to say (I think) is that maybe rather than telling people ‘it’s easy’ tell them that they can feel ease in any situation where they can match what they are doing to their skills.
When people think they have to fight it’s because they see the task as requiring more whatever (skill, money. knowledge, time) than they have available.
So probably what’s needed is help to break their goal down into smaller chunks. They acquire knowledge and experience as they work towards each smaller goal, can better tell how well they are doing, and feel a sense of achievement when they reach it, which spurs them to take the next step Conversely, if they are bored in a job then make it more challenging.
The chap (with an impossible name to spell without looking it up) who has researched flow for over 30 years said that any everyday task (cleaning your teeth, getting ready to go to work, having a job on an assembly line) can be made into a flow experience by making it more difficult.
For example, put a time constraint on it and try to beat it, next time lower the time allowed to complete it. Or try and do it more efficiently.
Most importantly, do the job for the joy of doing it, not for where it will take you.
He called flow “a magnet for growth” because people become addicted to it and so are always increasing their skills because they need harder tasks as their skills increase. Those who live in flow almost constantly are apparently able to withstand stress and live each day with serenity and satisfaction.
So, if you look upon those people who complain that things are difficult and they have to struggle to get things done as people who don’t know about flow and how to make it work in their life, you may find that being around them is easier if you cannot let it wsh over you.
And they may be more likely to accept being taught a new skill, especially one that makes them feel great, than to accept the “hippie stuff”. That can come later once they find ease is possible.
Jennifer you’re absolutely right of course! Flow does not = easy as we think of it, rather it means being in a state of allowing and non-resistance. I love how you pointed that out. And that’s exactly how I used ‘easy’ in this instance 🙂
Taking a different take on flow, I find that when my intentions and desires are in alignment with the manifestation of them (ie, when I see signs that things are unfolding accordingly), that’s when I am in flow.
Actually, even when I see a task that seems overwhelming to me, I’m more apt to be in flow with it once I’ve imagined myself on the other end of having accomplished it. By focusing on how it would feel, I then find ways to do it that are effortless and easy without being a challenge (maybe it’s just the word challenge that I don’t concur with – we can attach a lot of meanings to words!).
Hmmm your post sure made me think and stirred up a lot about how people view flow, challenges and easy. I may have to blog about what comes up!
Thanks SO much for dropping by and adding to the conversation, I’d love to see you here more often!